Browse Archive
ACH - Achievements of arms
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ACI - Details of British graves in Aleppo
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AKE - John Yonge Akerman (9 records)
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ALL - 'Earthwork of England' by A Hadrian Allcroft
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APT - Thesis on painting in Scotland by M R Apted, FSA
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ASH - Sketchbooks of Arthur Ashpitel (2 records)
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AUT - Autographs
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BAA - Records and correspondence of the British Archaeological Association (4 records)
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BAH - H M Baillie collection on orders of knighthood, European palace architecture and ceremonial (18 records)
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BAM - Plans of medieval churches and monasteries collected by Michael Baird FSA (4 records)
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BEA - Papers of Charles Relly Beard relating to proposed dictionary of costume, arms and armour (5 records)
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BIG - Notebook of G H Birch
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BIR - Genealogical notes of W H Bird
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BLA - John Blatchly collection of copies of papers associated with William Stukeley
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BOI - Sketchbook of Cambridgeshire churches by G R Boissier
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BOR - Cornwall collection of W C Borlase (94 records)
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BRI - Material on bridges collected by E Jervoise, FSA, and C G Henderson (6 records)
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BRO - Collection of William Bromet, mostly relating to Windsor and Berkshire (6 records)
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BRR - Thesis on castles by R A Brown, FSA
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BUK - Material supplementary to Burke's General Armory
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BUL - Ipsi Sibi. Novel by Constance Bullock, FSA
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CAG - Papers of the International Committee on Ancient Glass and British Committee on Ancient Glass (3 records)
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CAP - Sixteen watercolours of Westminster by William Capon
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CAU - Study of Limoges enamel by S Caudron
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CDM - Drawings of Castel del Monte
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CHE - Regalia of Queen Elizabeth. Study by D H B Chesshyre
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CLB - Photographs by B C Clayton of early crosses
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CLI - Archaeological notebook of George Clinch
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CLO - Notes by R Clouston on bells in Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Lincs and Isle of Man (8 records)
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CLP - Documents relating to the excavation of Clarendon Palace
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CLY - Blazons of arms of Yorkshire families compiled by J W Clay FSA
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CRA - Papers of Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford relating to Bronze Age finds
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CRO - Diary of Thomas Crofton Croker
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CUN - 'William Cunnington's Account of Barrows &c for Sir Richard Hoare Bart.'
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CUR - Notebooks of Eliot Curwen FSA (10 records)
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DAL - Scrapbook of Edward Dalton on fonts
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DAV - 'A Description & Classification of Egyptian Deities...' by John Davidson FSA
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DEN - Rubbings and dabbings from York Minster by John Dent
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DIL - Records of the Society of Dilettanti (17 records)
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DOU - Catalogue of seal casts
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DUK - Collections of Thomas Farmer Dukes, FSA on Uriconium
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EBA - Ritual in Early Bronze Age Grave Goods research project
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EEL - Papers of F C Eeles on consecration crosses
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EGA - Egan Collection on Repair and Conservation of English Monumental Brass (5 records)
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EHI - Notes on and transcripts of sources of English history
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ELH - 'The Lesser Ensigns of the Royal Families of England' by H L Elliot
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ELL - 'Roman Remains in NW Kent' by Frank Charles Elliston-Erwood FSA
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FAL - Thesis on timber roofs in Suffolk by J P Fallon
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FOS - Lists of grants of arms compiled by Joseph Foster
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FRC - List by Edwin Freshfield of churches etc. in Constantinople
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FRE - ‘Christianity in the Nile Valley' by W H C Frend FSA
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FRH - H A Freeman photographs of London
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FRN - Church notes of A G Francis (155 records)
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FRW - Drawings of glass quarrel-panes by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks
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GAL - Papers of Katharine Galbraith on early medieval sculpture in England (6 records)
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GAR - Papers of Arthur Gardner on English medieval sculpture
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GLS - Glass slides collection (2 records)
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GOA - Papers of A W Gould relating to a history of the Society of Antiquaries
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GOH - Heraldic notebook of Henry Gough
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GOU - Catalogue of R W Goulding’s collection of medals
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GRA - Papers of Henry Stewart Gracie on pre-historic cart tracks in Malta (6 records)
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GRL - Typescript by Leslie Grinsell, FSA on folklore of prehistoric monuments
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GUR - Travel journal and verse translations of Hudson Gurney
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HAG - Papers relating to the medal collections and work of William Debonaire Haggard (3 records)
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HAL - Papers of William Hamilton Hall, FSA relating to Babylonian and Judaic chronology (38 records)
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HAM - Notes of J R C Hamilton relating to the history of horses
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HAS - Charles Hamilton Smith collection of monumental effigies
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HEA - Notebooks of Alfred Heales, FSA
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HIF - Papers of Sir Mortimer Wheeler, FSA, Katherine M Richardson, FSA, and others on Hill Forts of Northern France (9 records)
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HIN - Correspondence and papers of R L Hine relating to graffiti in English churches (3 records)
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HOA - Account of travel and excavations on Roman roads, Wiltshire
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HOU - Lez Hough papers on heraldry (13 records)
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JEE - Copies of expenses of the executors of Eleanor, Consort of Edward I
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KEM - Notes and papers of John Mitchell Kemble relating to excavations in Germany
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KEN - Dissertation on artillery fortification by J R Kenyon, FSA
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KER - Catalogue of drawings and pictures owned by Thomas Kerrich
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KIH - Hatton book of seals. Description by Hugh Sadler Kingsford
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KNA - Rev G E C Knapp collection on medieval tiles in Hampshire & surrounding districts (4 records)
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LAH - Papers of the Rev. Henry Lawrance on military effigies
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LAR - Transcripts of epitaphs and descriptions of monuments in Rome
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LEL - Memoirs of Lesley Lewis FSA
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LES - Dissertation on Cornish fogous by S V P Leleux
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LEW - Scrapbook of Thomas Lewin
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LGM - Papers relating to study of the Grand Menhir
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LIT - Research by R H Little on The Golden Rose
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LOB - Writings of Barak Longmate (2 records)
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LON - H S London collection on heraldy (17 records)
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LOW - Papers of Anthony Lowther FSA (2 records)
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LOY - Details of stained glass shields at Lavenham, Suffolk
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LUL - Documents relating to the excavation of the Roman villa at Lullingstone (2 records)
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LYS - Papers and topographical drawings etc. of members of the Lysons family (14 records)
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MAD - Notes and drawings by Sir Frederic Madden
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MAS - Donald Mackreth material on Anglo-Saxon Architecture
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MAW - Papers of Dr William Martin, FSA relating to Treasure Trove and Ancient Monuments legislation (3 records)
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MES - The Heraldry of Canterbury Cathedral by A W B Messenger
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MEW - Two manuscripts by James Mew
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MHE - Copies of medieval papers on heraldry
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MIC - Papers of J T Micklethwaite (5 records)
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MIL - Collection of sketchbooks (4 records)
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MIT - Mitford family history and genealogy
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MOF - Fairfax Moresby collection on megalithic monuments
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MOJ - Diaries of Rev John More (2 records)
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MOO - Material on ‘Knights of Edward I’ by the Rev Charles Moor FSA
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MOT - Papers of Thomas Morgan on Roman Britain
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MRR - Thesis on the Church of the Holy Trinity in Tattershall by R C Marks, FSA
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MUS - Dissertation on medieval pottery by J W G Musty, FSA
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NES - Architecture notebook of Alexander Nesbitt, FSA
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NEW - Thesis on glass painting by P A Newton, FSA
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NOV - Noviomagian Society (2 records)
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PAC - Pocket book of J H Packer
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PAR - Collections of arms of Northern gentry by E G Parker
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PER - Paper on Anglo-Norman castles by J C Perks, MC, FSA
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PIE - 'Architectural Drawings in the Library of the S. A.’ by S R Pierce
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PIT - Photographs by Sidney Pitcher (4 records)
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PRE - Photograph albums of E S Prior (3 records)
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PRI - Papers of F G Hilton Price, mostly relating to Egypt
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PUB - Debate speech on the right of public meeting
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PYM - Sketches of London buildings by Paul Pym
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RAC - Copies of signatures of members of the Royal Academy
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RAM - Craufurd Tait Ramage papers (7 records)
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RIA - The Richborough Album
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RIJ - Paper by John Rickman on Avebury and Stonehenge
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RIW - List of monumental effigies compiled by William Henry Richardson, FSA (1 record)
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ROA - Papers of Charles Roach Smith FSA (14 records)
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ROG - Roman Wall at Gloucester
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ROL - Rolls of arms and related notes on heraldry
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ROO - Correspondence of Hayman Rooke (3 records)
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ROS - Collections on the Greek inscription on the Rosetta stone
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ROY - 'The Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain' by William Roy
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RUR - Raymond Russell collection relating to military architecture in Malta (5 records)
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RYL - Scrapbook of masons marks
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SAA - Sanders collection of architectural photographs of sites in Europe (94 records)
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SAR - 'A Catalogue of Brass Rubbings belonging to Arthur and Raphael Salaman'
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SAV - Material relating to the Savoy
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SCM - Papers relating to material on Scripta Minoa unpublished at the death of Sir Arthur Evans (5 records)
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SEI - Scrapbook of Charles Seidler on metalwork
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SHA - Inscriptions in Rickmansworth Church recorded by J B Sharpe
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SHP - Shepard Papers. Notes and papers relating to heraldry and Northamptonshire (15 records)
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SMW - Transcripts from the muniments in St Margaret's, Westminster
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SOC - Sketchbooks of George Somers Clarke (23 records)
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SPE - 'A Monumental Armory’ by J H Sperling
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STC - Christopher Stell collection on Staffordshire crosses
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STH - "The Ladies of Westminster Abbey" by H V Stuart
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STM - Margaret Stokes collection (2 records)
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STO - Sketchbook of Charles Alfred Stothard FSA
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STR - Drawings and tracings by Joseph Strutt
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STS - Letters addressed to George Steinman Steinman
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STU - Papers of William Stukeley (7 records)
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SUM - The Book of Gorley. Accounts of Cranborne Chase and Ashley Rails by Heywood Sumner (2 records)
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TAP - William Tapp photographs of dolmens
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TEB - Correspondence of C F Tebbutt FSA
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TOP - Papers of John Topham FSA
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TUS - 'Discoveries in a Somerset Church' by the Rev. Basil Roberts Tucker
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VAS - Essay on French art by J J de Vasselot
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VER - Album on the tomb of the Volumnii in Perugia
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VUL - Description by Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy of the globe clock at the Society of Antiquaries
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WAD - Study by W A P Waddington on the genealogy of Ibelin
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WAJ - 'Churchill Manor and Court Somerset 1231-1952' by J W Walker
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WAK - Wakeman collection on Monmouthshire (37 records)
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WAW - William Walters collection on fonts
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WAY - Papers of Albert Way, FSA (7 records)
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WHA - Collection of H Clarence Whaite on wall paintings of St Christopher (3 records)
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WHI - Augustus White photographs of royal arms
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WIC - Charles Windmill photographs of churches in Norfolk
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WIE - Paper by Jonathan Williams on the early history of Britain
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WIF - Acts relating to Windsor Forest
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WIH - Thesis by P J Willoughby Higson on Willoughby of Parham
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WIJ - Notebooks of the Rev J F Williams on monumental brasses
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WIK - 'An Account of the Cathedral Church of Norwich …’ by William Wilkins
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WIP - Work on the Lleyn peninsula by J G Williams
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WLL - Notebooks of J G and L B Waller (3 records)
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WOK - Papers of Kenneth Woodbridge on Wiltshire
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WOO - Material on the Woolfe family (3 records)
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WSS - Wessex Sarsen Stone Survey (4 records)
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