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SAA/001 - Ducal Palace of St Mark’s, Venice, Italy [View Details]
SAA/002 - Basilica di San Marco, Venice, Italy (Detail of the great nave with Greek Altar) [View Details]
SAA/003 - Chiesa di San Zaccaria, Venice Italy (Interior) [View Details]
SAA/004 - Salone o Palazzo Della Raggione, Padua, Italy [View Details]
SAA/005 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua, Italy (Exterior of the chapel) [View Details]
SAA/006 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua, Italy [View Details]
SAA/007 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (view from the Treves Garden) [View Details]
SAA/008 - Basilica di San Fermo Maggiore, Verona Italy (Interior, C14th) [View Details]
SAA/009 - Statue of Saint Theodore, Venice Italy [View Details]
SAA/010 - Ducal Palace - Bust Hall, Venice Italy (view of a part of the ceiling) [View Details]
SAA/011 - Basilica di San Marco, Venice Italy (capitals of two columns on the right side) [View Details]
SAA/012 - Ducal Palace - the judgment of Solomon, Venice Italy [View Details]
SAA/013 - Piazza San Marco, Venice Italy [View Details]
SAA/014 - Basilica San Marco, Venice Italy (detail of the Northern part) [View Details]
SAA/015 - Ferrara Cathedral, Italy (detail of the fascia) [View Details]
SAA/016 - Chiesa di San Giustina, Padua Italy (Interior) [View Details]
SAA/017 - Chiesa di San Anastasia, Verona Italy (Holy Water Font) [View Details]
SAA/018 - Pienza Cathedral, Italy (interior) [View Details]
SAA/019 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (detail of the fascia, two niches) [View Details]
SAA/020 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (exterior of the Chapel of San Felice) [View Details]
SAA/021 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (exterior view of two windows on the right side) [View Details]
SAA/022 - Palazzo Piccolomini, Pienza Italy (the capital of a column) [View Details]
SAA/023 - Basilica di San Marco, Venice Italy (detail from the side) [View Details]
SAA/024 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (a window from the right hand exterior) [View Details]
SAA/025 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (detail of the upper part of the main door) [View Details]
SAA/026 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (detail of the upper part of the left door) [View Details]
SAA/027 - Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Genoa (Doge’s Balcony and Loggia) [View Details]
SAA/028 - Verona Cathedral, Italy (interior, C8th or C9th) [View Details]
SAA/029 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (interior) [View Details]
SAA/030 - Monreale Cathedral, Norman Cloister, Palermo Italy [View Details]
SAA/031 - Chiesa di San Antonio, Padua Italy (Christ laid in the tomb) [View Details]
SAA/032 - Chiesa di San Giovanni e Paolo, Venice Italy (capital of column from the monument of Andrea Vendarmin) [View Details]
SAA/033 - Palazzo Priuli All’Osmarin, Venice, Italy [View Details]
SAA/034 - Fiesole Cathedral, Italy ( interior of the Cathedral C11th and C13th) [View Details]
SAA/035 - Chiesa di San Pietro, Perugia Italy (view of pulpit) [View Details]
SAA/036 - Verona Cathedral, Italy (view of entrance) [View Details]
SAA/037 - Tombe deli Scaligeri, Monumento a Cansignorio, Verona Italy (detail of the top) [View Details]
SAA/038 - Chiesa di San Bartolommeo, Bologna Italy (view of the loggia) [View Details]
SAA/039 - Basilica di San Marco, Venice Italy (view of two capitals inside) [View Details]
SAA/040 - Pienza Cathedral, Italy (Detail of the Choir stalls with Papal Seat) [View Details]
SAA/041 - Chiesa San Giorgio, Venice Italy (Choir stalls) [View Details]
SAA/042 - Basilica di San Marco, Venice Italy (Interior detail of the Greek altar) [View Details]
SAA/043 - Duomo, Florence Italy (fascia) [View Details]
SAA/044 - Lucca Cathedral, Italy (view of the facade porch) [View Details]
SAA/045 - Basilica San Marco, Venice Italy (bronze horses) [View Details]
SAA/046 - Torre Asinelli, Bologna Italy (view from the Mercato di Mezzo) [View Details]
SAA/047 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (Apse with Cloisters) [View Details]
SAA/048 - Perugia Cathedral, Italy (interior) [View Details]
SAA/049 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (view from the walls) [View Details]
SAA/050 - Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna Italy (chancel in marble) [View Details]
SAA/051 - Genoa Cathedral, Italy (Facade, detail of left column base) [View Details]
SAA/052 - Chiesa di San Pietro, Perugia Italy (detail of the choir stalls) [View Details]
SAA/053 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (Monument to Alessandro Contarini) [View Details]
SAA/054 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (interior) [View Details]
SAA/055 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (symbol of the apostle St. Matthew) [View Details]
SAA/056 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (symbol of the apostle St. Mark) [View Details]
SAA/057 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (symbol of the apostle St. Luke) [View Details]
SAA/058 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (symbol of the apostle St. John) [View Details]
SAA/059 - Basilica di San Antonio, Padua Italy (detail of a bronze candelabra) [View Details]
SAA/060 - Chiesa superiore di San Francesco, Assisi Italy (interior) [View Details]
SAA/061 - Canal grande dall’ Academia, Venice, Italy [View Details]
SAA/062 - Riviera di Ponente, Albenga, Italy [View Details]
SAA/063 - La Legende de la Sainte Famille, Antwerp Belgium (Cathedral stalls) [View Details]
SAA/064 - Chateau de Hougoumont, Waterloo Belgium (drawing pre-1815) [View Details]
SAA/065 - Maison de Poissonniers, Ghent Belgium [View Details]
SAA/066 - Collegiate Church of Saint Vulfram, Abbeville, France [View Details]
SAA/067 - Abbeye Notre Dame d’Ourscamps, France (Salle des Morts) [View Details]
SAA/068 - Eglsie Saint Etienne, Beauvais, France (interior) [View Details]
SAA/069 - Eglise Saint Sernin, Toulouse, France [View Details]
SAA/070 - Augustine Convent, Toulouse, France (view of cloisters) [View Details]
SAA/071 - Abbeye Notre Dame d’Ourscamps, France (exterior) [View Details]
SAA/072 - Palais de Justice, Rouen, France [View Details]
SAA/073 - Le Mans Cathedral, France [View Details]
SAA/074 - Chateau de Blois, France (Chapel, Louis XVII wing) [View Details]
SAA/075 - Eglise Anglicaine, Compiegne, France [View Details]
SAA/076 - Octagonal Knights Templar chapel, Laon, France [View Details]
SAA/077 - Tours Cathedral, France (view of North Porch) [View Details]
SAA/078 - Bourges Cathedral, France (Front Portal) [View Details]
SAA/079 - Amiens Cathedral, France [View Details]
SAA/080 - Chartres Cathedral, France (cloister of the choir) [View Details]
SAA/081 - St Gereon’s Basilica, Cologne, Germany (Interior) [View Details]
SAA/082 - St Ulrich’s, [Augsburg Germany?] (metal screen) [View Details]
SAA/083 - Munich Cathedral, Germany (interior) [View Details]
SAA/084 - Frauenkirche, Munich, Germany (exterior) [View Details]
SAA/085 - Freiburg Cathedral, Germany [View Details]
SAA/086 - Schloss Herrenchiemsee, Bavaria, Germany [View Details]
SAA/087 - St Martin’s Church, Cologne, Germany [View Details]
SAA/088 - Schloss Neuschwanstein mit Marienbrücke, Bavaria, Germany [View Details]
SAA/089 - Hawton Church, England (detail of sedilia) [View Details]
SAA/090 - Burgos Cathedral, Spain (interior) [View Details]
SAA/091 - Burgos Cathedral, Spain (interior, view from the choir) [View Details]
SAA/092 - Unidentified high altar [View Details]
SAA/093 - Unidentified cloisters around central basin/fountain [View Details]
SAA/094 - Unidentified church interior, view of choir stalls [View Details]