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Worcester City [collaborative cataloguing]

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Worcester City [collaborative cataloguing]
Level of description
Scope and content
According to E A B Barnard, ‘The Prattinton Collections of Worcestershire History’ (1931) (digitised copy available at https://collections.sal.org.uk/pra.12.01) the contents include:
A large collection of historical notes, of which the most important are:-
pp. 4-32: Worcester: the Great Rebellion and Restoration.
p. 59: Printed Table of the Mayors of Worcester (1621-1775).
pp. 125-134: Copy of the Acts and Ordinances of the Bakers' Company (1563).
pp. 137-141. Laws and Regulations [printed in 1802] of the Company of Clothiers. pp. 143-179. Translation of Charter of Company of Clothiers, with Bye-Laws, etc. (p. 157, illuminated drawing of initial letter of Charter).
pp. 181-5: A List of the High Masters and Wardens of the Clothiers' Company (1587-1824) extracted from their Book of Evidences.
Archival history
This part of the catalogue is designed to facilitate collaborative cataloguing. You are warmly invited to contribute descriptions for the digitised items on these pages. Please see https://www.sal.org.uk/collections/prattinton-project for details.

If you are looking for the existing catalogue of the Prattinton Collection, please go to https://collections.sal.org.uk/pra.