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MOU/04/001 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 001-99 [View Details]
MOU/04/002 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 100- [View Details]
MOU/04/003 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 200- [View Details]
MOU/04/004 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 300- [View Details]
MOU/04/005 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. Record forms. 400-499 [View Details]
MOU/04/006 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 500- [View Details]
MOU/04/007 - St Albans Abbey inventory: Stones. 600- [View Details]
MOU/04/008 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory: Photos. 1. 001-199 [View Details]
MOU/04/009 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory: Photos. 2. 200-655 [View Details]
MOU/04/010 - 1. S.A.A. Inventory. Rom'sque Forms (R. K. Morris copies) [View Details]
MOU/04/011 - 2. S.A.A. Inventory. Rom. Photos + 12C/12C-13C Forms & Photos (R. K. Morris copies) [View Details]
MOU/04/012 - 3. S.A.A. Inventory Rom. & 12C-13C Profile Drawings (R. K. Morris originals) [View Details]
MOU/04/013 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory. Unbound copy [of report] [View Details]
MOU/04/014 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory. Concordances etc. DJK. Jamie [View Details]
MOU/04/015 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory. Masters recording lists, comments etc. [View Details]
MOU/04/016 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory. Contract + invoices. Finance. Safety [View Details]
MOU/04/017 - St Albans Abbey stones inventory. Xeroxes of photos not used [View Details]
MOU/04/018 - Material related to St Albans (printed matter & log book & floppy disk) [View Details]
MOU/04/019 - SAA I. 001-249. Folder of drawings [View Details]
MOU/04/020 - SAA II. 250-. Folder of drawings [View Details]
MOU/04/021 - St Albans. Gothic archit. Conventual building. 1982/83 excavs. [photos] [View Details]
MOU/04/022 - SAA 78. Chap house site. St Albans. Likely C15 mouldings (except vault). [View Details]
MOU/04/023 - SAA 78. Chap house site. St Albans. Norman, EE, & Dec (incl. cloister in situ) + mouldings from other sites in St Albans [View Details]
MOU/04/024 - SAA 78. Chap. house. St. A. 951. Dressed ends etc. [View Details]
MOU/04/025 - SAA 78. Chap. house. St. A. 951. Junctions [View Details]
MOU/04/026 - SAA 78. Chap. house. St. Albans. Vault. 951. Radial rib. Types. 1 (incl. 2A & 2B) [View Details]
MOU/04/027 - St Albans. Ch. Hse. 951. Marks, etc. + Notes on 'Construction' etc. [View Details]
MOU/04/028 - SAA. 78. St Albans. Vault. 952/953 [View Details]
MOU/04/029 - SAA 78. 1991 Check + Kyngston House [View Details]
MOU/04/030 - St Albans. W range. Cloister vault & cell [View Details]
MOU/04/031 - St Albans. W range. Pieces "in situ" (& general) [View Details]
MOU/04/032 - St Albans. W range. Loose frags. (except vault) [View Details]
MOU/04/033 - St Albans. 1000-. Mainly unprovenanced (mainly 1994) [View Details]
MOU/04/034 - SAA. Romanesque lists. GZ re 1994 move. R. Niblett: Boxes at K. House [View Details]
MOU/04/035 - St Albans 'Current' on site (incl. rubbings of V/C ribs) July 1994 [View Details]
MOU/04/036 - SAA. Slype [View Details]
MOU/04/037 - St Albans. Slype photos & key [View Details]
MOU/04/038 - St Albans Shrine. Profiles [View Details]
MOU/04/039 - St Albans Shrine. Report & Photos [View Details]
MOU/04/040 - SAA. Batchwood [View Details]
MOU/04/041 - St Albans. Type lists [View Details]
MOU/04/042 - St Alb. Photos (x for report text) [View Details]
MOU/04/043 - SAA. Amphibalus. My reports [View Details]
MOU/04/044 - The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Albans. Inventory of Architectural and Archaeological Fragments. By Dr R K Morris and Dr L A Monckton [View Details]
MOU/04/045 - St Albans. Report. 3. Illustr. Plates (Excav. & frags). Spare [View Details]
MOU/04/046 - St Albans: Plans. Hamish Robertson etc. [View Details]
MOU/04/047 - St Albans. Old notes & corresp. back to 1979 [View Details]
MOU/04/048 - loose photos, probably St Albans [View Details]
MOU/04/049 - Index cards of gothic stones from slype [View Details]