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SAL/10/09/65 - Contents list by Alexander Gordon, continued by Joseph Ames. Fols.177v-180v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/64 - 'Mr Henry Johnson Exhibited Eleven Drawings in Water Collours of all the Emperors of Persia from Tamerlane, and gave the following account of them the 29th March 1733.' Fol. 176r-v (then 11 unfoliated leaves, blank; fol. 176r blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/63 - 'An account of a Roman altar, with an Inscription upon it, found in April last (1752) at York, communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Mr Francis Drake F.R.S. As also a brief explication of the Inscription by Dr John Ward who read it to the Society the 7th December 1752.' Fols. 173r-175r (fol 175v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/62 - 'An account of Greensted [Greenstead] Church near Ongar in Essex, by Smart Lethieullier in a Letter dated the 21 January 1750 to Dr [Charles] Lyttelton dean of Exeter. read to the Society 24th same month.' Fol. 172r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/61 - 'A Letter of Mr Samuel Stubbs of Litchfield [Lichfield] dated August 6th 1750 to Mr Richardson concerning Mr Richard Swisset'. Fol. 171r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/60 - 'Letter Patent of King Edward [III] from Mr Rawlinson’s Copy.' Fol. 170v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/59 - 'A Discourse upon Beacons by Mr Professor [John Ward] of Gresham Coll.' Fols. 167v-170r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/58 - 'The Order of the Maundy, made at Greenwich 19th March 1752'. Fols. 166v-167r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/57 - 'Mr Vice President [Martin] Folkes Remarks on the Coins of Sir Robert Cotton’s now 21 May 1747 in the Cotton Library some of which are Published 1611 by Mr Speed in Folio.' Fols. 165r-166r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/56 - 'Part of a Letter from Smart Lethieullier Esq To Dr Charles Lyttelton relating to some Antiquities found in the County of Essex' [and] 'Part of another letter on the same Subject.' Fols. 163r-164v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/55 - 'A Copy of Smart Lethieullier Esq his Letter to Mr George Vertue, from Aldersbrook 18 March 1745/6. Relating to some Antiquities in France.' Fols. 160r-162v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/54 - 'A Note found wrote in a spare leafe of a Book concerning the executioner of King Charles the first, communicated by James West Esq.' Fol. 159r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/53 - 'Some Remarks on a Silver Medal struck to the Memory of Laurence Coster, shown the Society the fifth of December 1745.' Fol. 158r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/52 - 'Minutes taken by Mr George Vertue relating to London Bridge, October 2nd 1744.' Fol. 157r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/51 - 'A Little Dissertation on the Antiquity of the Two ancient Ports of Richborough and Sandwich by the Isle of Tenet [Thanet] in Kent. Communicated by the Revd. Mr John Lewis'. Fols. 155r-156v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/50 - 'An Extract of a Letter from the Revd Dr Tovey Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford, to Richard Rawlinson LLD. Dated 18th June 1744.' Fol. 154r (fol 154v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/48 - 'The Manner [manor] and Jurisdiction of Spalding in the Wapentach or Hundred of Elloe in the Parts of Holland and County of Lincoln.' Fols. 145v-146v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/47 - 'Seales Engraved and done for the Government, by His Majesties Engraver of Seals Mr John Rollos: who came into that Place in the time of King George 1st and continued to 1741. Communicated by Mr George Vertue 12th January 1743.' Fol. 145r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/46 - 'Extracts from the churchwardens' accompts of the parish of St Helen's in Abington [Abingdon], Berkshire, from the first year of the reign of Philip and Mary to the thirty fourth of Queen Elizabeth, now in the possession of the reverend Mr George Benson. With some observations upon them by J. Ward.' Fols. 139r-144v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/44 - 'A Marriage Settlement in the time of Richard the First.' Fol. 134* v (fol. 135r blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/43 - 'The following Account concerning the Executioner of King Charles the First was transmitted to the Earle of Berkshire from Carolina and communicated to the Society by the Revd. Mr Charles Lyttelton, July 21 1742.' Fols. 134r-134*r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/42 - 'An Extract of a Letter from Maurice Johnson junior Esq to William Bogdani Esq, 7th October 1741, concerning an uncommon manner of Interment.' Fols. 132v-133v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/41 - 'A brief inquiry into the antiquity of an ancient map of London and Westminster, contained in six sheets; as also some account of several ancient prints of the Royal Exchange built by Sir Thomas Gresham. By Mr Professor [John] Ward.' Fols. 130r-132r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/39 - 'Inscriptions on Lord Burleigh’s Marbles, communicated by Mr William Bowyer.' Fol. 129r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/38 - 'A Copy of an Original Letter in possession of Mr John Nickolls, and communicated by him, endors’d.' Fol. 128v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/37 - 'Letter from Maurice Johnson Esq to Mr [Robert] New, member of the Society of London Antiquaries relating to the Registers of the Bishops of Lincoln.' Fols. 127v-128r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/36 - 'A dissertation on the Monument of Edward the Confessor. By Mr George Vertue. 1736.' Fols. 123r-127r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/35 - 'Remarks on the Beginning of the Irish rebellion in the Province of Ulster in the Year 1641, communicated to the Society by Mr [Walter] Bowman [and] 'A Brief Relation of the Miraculous Victory there [Lisnagarvy, now Lisburn] that day over the first formed army of the Irish, soon after their Rebellion which broke out the 23rd October 1641.' Fols. 115v-22v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/34 - 'Copy of a Letter from Maurice Johnson Esq member of this Society to George Lynn junior, with a copy of some curious minutes taken at the Meeting of the Antiquarian Society of Spalding and Communicated to the Antiquarian Society of London.' Fols. 114v-115r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/33 - 'Copy of Some Observations concerning a Large perspective View of London, from Southwark by Hollar, and read to the Society March 19th 1741 by Mr George Vertue'. Fols. 113r-114r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/32 - 'A. An ancient Roman altar found at Netherby in Cumberland, this drawing of which was presented to the Socety by Richard Gilpin Esq, Recorder of Carlisle' [and] 'B & C. Two Sympula in brass, ancient Roman in the possession of R. Gilpin, Recorder of Carlisle.' Fol. 112r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/31 - 'Part of a Letter from Mr Edward Collins to Browne Willis Esq relating to two ancient monuments found near St Erth in Cornwall near Marazion, together with drawings of the said monuments'. Fols. 111r-112r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/30 - 'Copy of a Letter from Mr Professor [John] Ward to Mr Vice President [Martin] Folkes, relating to an Ancient Roman Inscription found at Chichester.' Fols. 109v-110v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/29 - 'Extract of a letter from Maurice Johnson Esq to Mr [William] Bogdani, dated 24th November 1739, as Secretary of the Society in Spalding.' Fols. 107v-108v (fol. 109r blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/28 - 'Copy of a letter from Dr Cleghorn dated Minorca April 10 1739 to a friend of Mr Collison Member of this Society and Communicated by Mr Collison December 7th 1739, relating to some curious Monuments of Antiquity there commonly called Heathen Altars.' Fols. 106r-107r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/27 - 'Remainder of a discourse upon the inscription to Antoninus Pius found lately at Nismes [Nîmes] in France by A. G. [Alexander Gordon]'. Fols. 102r-105v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/26 - 'Description of the Chapel of Roslin four miles from Edinburgh sent the Society by Sir John Clarke [Clerk] Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland / Frieze of the Chapel on the North side'. Fol. 101r (fol 101v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/25 - 'A Dissertation by Samuel Gale Esq on Julius Caesar's passage over the River Thames.' Fols. 97-100v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/24 - 'Contents of a MS Book shewn the Society of Mr [Joseph] Ames’s in Folio, concerning coin and coinage.' Fols. 93r-95r (fols. 95v-96v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/22 - 'Inventory of Religious houses in the 30th Year of Henry VIII anno 1540 in the Augmentation Office – as copied from thence by Browin [Browne] Willis Esq.' Fol. 85r-v (fol. 86r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/21 - The Prospect of the Rock on the side of the Danube near Porez, in the district of Temeswar on which the table is cut’. Fols. 83r-84v; preceded by an unnumbered loose page containing a drawing of an inscribed stone. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/20 - 'List of Sulphurs from Antique Cameos, Intaglios, Medals, and Gems in the Cabinets of the Great Duke of Tuscany, Prince Eugene &c, taken from the originals by Baron Stosch of Florence, which Cards of Sulphurs have been shewn the Society of Antiquarys by Andrew Ducarel, Esq.' Fols. 74r-81r (fols. 81-82v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/19 - 'Lapis Maltadensis in Helsingia Svecia Provincia'. Tipped in on fol. 72r (fols. 72v-73v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/18 - 'A Letter from Mr Smart Lethieullier to Mr [Roger] Gale, relating to St. Hugh, the Burgundian Bishop of Lincoln.' Fols. 68r-70v (fol. 71r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/17 - 'An Intaglio of Antinous under the figure of Mercury upon a Cornelian Explained, by Mr [Walter] Bowman'. Fols. 64r-66v (fol. 67r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/16 - 'An Inscription to Lucius Aurelius Verus Explained by Mr [Walter] Bowman.' Fols. 61r-63v (folio number 63 repeated: second fol 63r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/15 - 'Some observations upon the Brass Equestrian statue [of Marcus Aurelius] at the Capitol in Rome occasioned by a Small Brass Model of the same shewed to the Society of Antiquaries by Martyn Folkes, Esq.' Fols. 57r-60r (fol. 60v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/14 - ‘Ioannis Anstis Armigeri fecialium principis Aspilogia sive de Iconibus Scutariis gentilitiis Commentarius … Introduction by Francis Drake, Gent '. Fols. 53r-56r (fol. 56v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/13 - 'Some Account of a Roman Tesselated Pavement at Well four miles South East from Bedall [Bedale] in Hangwest Wapentake in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Communicated by Smart Lethieullier Esq.' Fol. 51r-v (fol. 52r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/11 - 'Some Measures of the Trajan and Antonine Pillars at Rome by Martin Folkes Esq'. Fols. 45r-47r (fols. 47v-48v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/10 - 'A Chronological Account of the first Year of the Second Carthaginian War in Italy. By Walter Bowman Esq.' Fols. 35r-44v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/09 - 'A Topographical and Critical Account of the battles of Trebia and Trasimene' [and] 'A Topographical and Critical Account of that part of the Second Carthaginian War that past on the Trebia'. Fols. 17r-33v (fol. 34r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/08 - 'Copy of a Letter brought to the Society by Mr Holmes, from Richardus de Marisco, Bishop of Durham, Chancellor to King Henry the Third, to Ralph Nevill, Dean of Litchfield [Lichfield], sharply reprimanding him for omitting the title of Chancellor, in a letter he had lately received from him.' Fol. 16r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/07 - 'Part of a Letter from Smart Lethieullier Esq to Mr Vice President [Roger] Gale and Communicated by that Gentleman to the Society'. Fols. 12v-15r; tipped on fol. 15v, a Latin inscription. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/06 - 'An Inscription on a Marble in the Museum of Sir Hans Sloane Bart. Communicated by Roger Gale Esq.' [and] 'Observations on the foregoing Inscription by Roger Gale Esq.' Fols. 9r-11v (fol. 12r blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/05 - 'Copy of a Letter sent by Mr Benjamin Radcliffe to the Secretary of the Antiquarian Society of London'. Fol. 8r-v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/04 - 'Some account taken from Memorandums of the late Earl Thomas of Pembroke concerning the granite pillar which he erected in the centre of the Great Court at Wilton. Communicated by Charles Frederick, Esq'. Fols. 6v-7r (fol. 7v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/03 - 'Copy of the original Charter granted by King Henry the Second to the Company of Weavers of London'. Fol. 6r. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/02 - 'Transcript of a Letter from Doctor Christopher Hunter of Durham to Roger Gale, Esq, concerning a Roman station near South Shields at the mouth of the River Tyne in the Bishoprick of Durham, and also two Inscriptions found at Lanchester in that County'. Fols. 3r-5v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/01 - 'An Account of the Great Pagoda on the island of Salsett [Salsette]. Communicated by Smart Lethieullier Esq. 19th June 1735'. Fols 1r-2v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/12 - 'Some Account of the Course of the Herman [Ermine] Street through Northamptonshire, and of a Roman Burying place by the side of it in the Parish of Barnack, by Charles Frederick Esq.' Fol. 49r-v (fol. 50r-v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/23 - 'Mr [William] Bowyer’s Observations upon an Ancient Roman Inscription found lately at Bath.' Fols. 87r-90v (fols. 91r-92v blank). [View Details]
SAL/10/09/40 - 'Roman sepulchral monuments in the Wall of Wormes [Worms] as you go in at the Mayence Port [Mainz Gate] from a sketch of Captain Johnson’s sent to the Gentlemen’s Society at Spalding, Lincs, 27 Aug 1743'. Fol. 129v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/45 - 'A Copie of a Letter dated March 2nd n.s. 1709/10 from Florence. By Mr John Talman to the Dean of Christ Church [Henry Aldrich], relating to the Italian drawings. Communicated by James West Esq. 20th Oct. 1743' Fols. 135v-138v. [View Details]
SAL/10/09/49 - 'A Copie of a Design for the Rebuilding the City of London done the 11th of September 1666' [and] ‘Londinium Redivium or London Restored’ By John Evelyn'. Fols. 147r-153v. [View Details]