Treatises relating to astronomy and astrology
Reference code
Treatises relating to astronomy and astrology
late 15th century
Level of description
Scope and content
(1) 'De pluuia et tonitruo'. Owned by John Argentine (d. 1508), Provost of King's College, Cambridge; see Emden, BRUC, 16, for other books owned by him. Another copy is Bodl. Lib., MS Digby 176, fol. 67. fol. 18r, v;-
(2) 'Incipit liber de imaginibus secundum thebith' (Thebit ben Corat). For other sources see L. Thorndike, History of Magic, I (1950), 663-6. 'Deo gracias quod Argentyn' (fol. 21; see above). fols. 19-21;-
(3) 'Extracta ab aristotile in de secretis secretorum'. fols. 21-3;-
(4) 'Opus imaginum secundum consilium ptholomei'. fols. 23-4.
Items (2)-(4) are also in Bodl. Lib., MS Ashmole 346, fols. 113-19, written by Thomas Scanlon of King's College. See also L. Thorndike in Mélanges Auguste Pelzer (1947), 233, 256. At the foot of fol. 24 a note relating to the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter preceding the birth of Christ, citing Ovid, De vetula (inf. David Pingree);-
(5) Table of longitudes at which the 2nd-6th astrological places begin as each degree of the zodiac is in the ascendent. Latitude of locality for which calculated trimmed off (inf. David Pingree). fols. 24v-5;-
(6) Tables of fixed stars:-
(a) for 1306-15 according to the calculations of Peter of St Omer and John de Lyneriis at the meridian of Paris;
(b) For 1333. fol.25v.
(2) 'Incipit liber de imaginibus secundum thebith' (Thebit ben Corat). For other sources see L. Thorndike, History of Magic, I (1950), 663-6. 'Deo gracias quod Argentyn' (fol. 21; see above). fols. 19-21;-
(3) 'Extracta ab aristotile in de secretis secretorum'. fols. 21-3;-
(4) 'Opus imaginum secundum consilium ptholomei'. fols. 23-4.
Items (2)-(4) are also in Bodl. Lib., MS Ashmole 346, fols. 113-19, written by Thomas Scanlon of King's College. See also L. Thorndike in Mélanges Auguste Pelzer (1947), 233, 256. At the foot of fol. 24 a note relating to the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter preceding the birth of Christ, citing Ovid, De vetula (inf. David Pingree);-
(5) Table of longitudes at which the 2nd-6th astrological places begin as each degree of the zodiac is in the ascendent. Latitude of locality for which calculated trimmed off (inf. David Pingree). fols. 24v-5;-
(6) Tables of fixed stars:-
(a) for 1306-15 according to the calculations of Peter of St Omer and John de Lyneriis at the meridian of Paris;
(b) For 1333. fol.25v.
Previous reference number(s)
SAL/MS/39/fols. 18-25
Archival history
Digitisation of this manuscript was kindly sponsored by Daniel Clark.