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Roman Villa at Spoonley and Witcombe

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Roman Villa at Spoonley and Witcombe
second half 19th century
Level of description
Scope and content
Pencil, ink and colour drawings of architecture and objects.

Some drawings include notes and measurements.

Folder includes drawings of:
Roman Villa at Spoonley in Gloucestershire: Section of veranda and elevation of veranda (Aug. 1889)
Roman Villa at Spoonley in Gloucestershire: Details of capitals abases of columns
Front: Roman Villa at Witcombe stone bases (“see Archaeologia XIX, 1820”); Back: Newcastle Church
Roman Villa at Spoonley: Shapes of local pottery
Roman Villa at Spoonley: Iron objects/tools
Roman Villa at Spoonley: Bronze and bone objects (“all full size”)
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), archaeologist and antiquary