Untitled political poem
Untitled political poem
late 18th century
Paper; ff. 8 (unnumbered) + fols. 2-26.
Brown papers covers (as MSS/0695). On the verso of the first leaf a draft will. At the end, fol.26v, a draft letter from 'G.D.' to his daughter-in-law.
Brown papers covers (as MSS/0695). On the verso of the first leaf a draft will. At the end, fol.26v, a draft letter from 'G.D.' to his daughter-in-law.
Untitled poem in heroic couplets. Consists of 607 lines (lacks 1-18), fols. 2-26 (lacks fol. 1) in the same hand as MSS/0695. Sewn to the front of this draft are 8 leaves from an imperfect gathering (second half cut away) written in red ink in a different hand, containing a revision of a substantial part of the poem found at fol. 2. The first 11 lines of this revision, beg. 'Unwarp'd by Int'rest..' should cover the lines missing before fol. 2. The revising hand also enters amendments throughout, alters names of protagonists and gives references (fol. 24v) to Brissot, Danton and Robespierre. There are many Virgilian echoes.