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Notarial transcripts Vol. II. Maternal line of Mariano Tristan

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Notarial transcripts Vol. II. Maternal line of Mariano Tristan
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Scope and content
Ten groups of transcripts:

(1) Testimonies relating to his family made for Doctor Josef Balentin Moscoso Zegarra y Perez; Arequipa, 28 Nov. 1778;-

(2) Transcripts of the service record in South America of his father, Gomes de Leon, made at the request of Antonio Gomes de Buttron of Arequipa; 25 Dec. 1762;-

(3) Testimonies of the parentage of Doctors Mariano and Manuel Moscoso, brothers of Maria Mercedes Moscoso (mother of Mariano Tristan), etc.; Cochaba, 2 June 1779;-

(4) Testimonies of the parentage of Luis Perez Hurtado of Arequipa; Cochaba, 2 June 1779;-

(5) Transcripts of records conc. his family made for Nuño de Salazar; Madrid, 3 May 1769;-

(6) Testimonies of hidalguia of Lorenzo Belazquez of Arebalo; Madrid, 6 June 1769;-

(7) Transcripts of records made for Mariano Tristan conc. the genealogy of the families of Paravecino (Palavicino), Salazar and Oblittas; 3 May 1788;-

(8) Testimonies conc. the family of Oblittas Farfan de los Godos made for Mariano Tristan; 3 Sept. 1788;-

(9) Transcripts of baptismal certificates and other documents made for Mariano Tristan; mostly 1788-90;-

(10) Printed accounts of the services of members of the Tristan family:-
(a) Relacion de los Meritos y Servicios de D. Joseph Joaquin Tristan Carasa y Musquiz, 18 Nov. 1787;-
(b) Relacion.. de Don Mariano Tristan y Moscoso Carasa y Musquiz; 20 Dec. 1787. Reference at the end to supporting documentation (?the present transcripts);-
(c) Relacion.. del Doctor Don Joseph Manuel Tristan Moscoso; 2 March, 1789.
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