Irish peers
Irish peers
17th century
ff. iii + 110.
Small quarto.
Brown leather spine with marbled boards.
Small quarto.
Brown leather spine with marbled boards.
A list of Irish peers created mainly by James I and Charles I to c. 1628, with their arms and crests in colour; 17th century. Includes a few earlier creations (fols. 3-7). A few annotations in the hand of Ralph Thoresby (eg. fols. 8, 62).
Formerly in the collection of Ralph Thoresby (pencil note, '140 in Thoresby's Cate', fol. ii). On fol. 1 the names: 'George Smith'; 'Robert Halsted hoc scripsit'; 'M.T:1766'. Sale-cat. cutting, lot 727, fol. iii.