Charles Vi. Patents of arms from the Austrian Netherlands
Charles Vi. Patents of arms from the Austrian Netherlands
ff. vi + 431. Folio. Vellum binding. Franks bookplate, fol. ii.
'Branches Genealogiques tirées hors les Patentes Originales octroïées par sa Majté. L'Empereur Charles VI ...'; 1772 (cf. title page, fol. vi), with earlier and later additions. French and Flemish. Abstracts of patents of arms, 1721-40, of families in the Austrian Netherlands, attested by J. A. A. Jaerens ('Conr et premier Roi d’Armes. 1772'), fol. vi. Wafered armorial seal of Ignatius Gribellus, Arch.Caesareae, fol. vi. Coloured arms of Charles VI (as Count of Flanders), after fol. 16. Arranged alphabetically. Arms mainly in trick, with blazons. Transcripts, from a register, of grants and confirmations of arms, 8 March 1738-25 March 1739, fols. 40r,v, 43r,v. Inserted throughout extra illustrations, 16th-18th century, of arms, many in colour, including sets of eight and sixteen (fols. 124, 400,405) quarters, and drawings or engravings of arms on monuments. Includes engravings by Jan Lauwryn Krafft, some from Le grand théâtre sacre du duché de Brabant (The Hague, 1729; copy in SAL). Index, fols. 429-31v.
Possibly lot 92 in Dr H.Wellesley's sale, Sotheby's, 3 Aug. 1866.
Exhibited by Franks, 11 Jan. 1894 (see MSS/0365).
Exhibited by Franks, 11 Jan. 1894 (see MSS/0365).
French; Flemish