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Heraldry. Arms of English sovereigns and peers

Reference code
Heraldry. Arms of English sovereigns and peers
After 1580
Level of description
Extent and format
ff.vi + 87.
Leather binding, red, morocco, gilt-tooled, 18th century, stamped on the front with a crest (out of a crown a lion's head) and on the back with the initials 'J.S' (Shanke family, of Norfolk).
Scope and content
Arms of English sovereigns from the reign of William I (lacks royal arms) to Queen Elizabeth, and arms of peers in order of creation, with genealogical and historical notices of each; after 1580 (date of succession of Peregrine Bertie to the barony of Eresby, the last entry). Consists of 508 painted arms lacking nos. 1-38 at the beginning. The collection was originally compiled by Robert Cook, Clarenceux, and revised by Robert Glover, Somerset. See further MSS/0136/004. See also MSS/0348, MSS/0728/004.
Previous reference number(s)
Archival history
Sotheby's sale, 3-6 Dec. 1895, lot 889 (fol. i). Presented by Max Rosenheim, FSA, 20 Jan. 1910 (fols. ii, iii verso). Proc., 2nd ser., 23 (1909-11), 30.