Political Papers. Various political papers, 17th century
Political Papers. Various political papers, 17th century
17th century
ff. iv + 130. Small folio.
Reversed leather binding, brown, blind-tooled. Bookplate of Lord Stanhope, fol. ii.
Reversed leather binding, brown, blind-tooled. Bookplate of Lord Stanhope, fol. ii.
Copies of political papers, etc. Contents list, 18th century, fol. iv. As follows:-
(1) 'A discourse or Appologie written by Sr: Charles Blount Lord Mountioy and Earle of Devonsheire in defence of his Marriage with the Lady Riche.. 1606' (heading, fol. 2). The marriage (26 Dec. 1605) was illegal (GEC, IX, 345-6, s.v. Mountjoy). See M. S. Rawson, Penelope Rich and her Circle (1911), 281, 320-42, where the apology is printed. fols. 1-21v;-
(2) 'The most Notable.. Instructions of.. Cardinall Simonetta [Niccolo Caetano, Cardinal di Sermoneta; d. 1585] to his Cousen Don Pedro Caietano [Pietro Caetano di Sermoneta] when he went to serve the Prince of Parma for Phillip [Phillip II] Kinge of Spaine' (heading, fol. 23). Pietro Caetano served with Alessandro Farnese (Prince of Parma, 1586) in Flanders, 1581-90. fols. 22-44v;-
(3) 'Sr Walter Rawleighs letter to Prince Henry touchinge the modell of A Shipp' (fol. 45). Advice to Prince Henry (d. 1612) on the construction and design of a ship ending with a reference to the loss of the 'Mary Rose' (1545). See The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, VIII (1829), 627-9. fols. 45-9;-
(4) 'An Advise of a Sea-man touching The expedition intended against the Turkish Pyrates written by Nathaniell Knott.. 1634' (fol. 50). With a prefatory letter, fols. 51-2, to William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, to whom it was dedicated. The author was the son of a clergyman (fol. 51v). See Bodl. Lib. MS Ballard 52, art. 1, for another copy. fols. 50-92;-
(5) 'A discourse touching the present consultac(i)on concerninge the peace wth Spaine.. by Sir Walter Rawleigh and directed to kinge James.. 1602' (fol. 93). A version of the discourse presenting the arguments of the war party (cf. Works, VIII (1829), 299-316), fols. 93-105, followed by a transcript of the Council of War, 21 Nov. 1587, conc. the defence of the realm (before the Spanish Armada), fols. 105-10v. fols. 93-110v;-
(6) 'Of Robert Devoreux Earle of Essex And George Villiers Duke of Buck(ing)ham' (fol. 111). A copy of Sir Henry Wotton's parallel of the characters of Essex and Buckingham. See Sir H. Wotton, Reliquiae Wottonianae (1651). Another copy is in MSS/0247. fols. 111-30v.
(1) 'A discourse or Appologie written by Sr: Charles Blount Lord Mountioy and Earle of Devonsheire in defence of his Marriage with the Lady Riche.. 1606' (heading, fol. 2). The marriage (26 Dec. 1605) was illegal (GEC, IX, 345-6, s.v. Mountjoy). See M. S. Rawson, Penelope Rich and her Circle (1911), 281, 320-42, where the apology is printed. fols. 1-21v;-
(2) 'The most Notable.. Instructions of.. Cardinall Simonetta [Niccolo Caetano, Cardinal di Sermoneta; d. 1585] to his Cousen Don Pedro Caietano [Pietro Caetano di Sermoneta] when he went to serve the Prince of Parma for Phillip [Phillip II] Kinge of Spaine' (heading, fol. 23). Pietro Caetano served with Alessandro Farnese (Prince of Parma, 1586) in Flanders, 1581-90. fols. 22-44v;-
(3) 'Sr Walter Rawleighs letter to Prince Henry touchinge the modell of A Shipp' (fol. 45). Advice to Prince Henry (d. 1612) on the construction and design of a ship ending with a reference to the loss of the 'Mary Rose' (1545). See The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, VIII (1829), 627-9. fols. 45-9;-
(4) 'An Advise of a Sea-man touching The expedition intended against the Turkish Pyrates written by Nathaniell Knott.. 1634' (fol. 50). With a prefatory letter, fols. 51-2, to William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, to whom it was dedicated. The author was the son of a clergyman (fol. 51v). See Bodl. Lib. MS Ballard 52, art. 1, for another copy. fols. 50-92;-
(5) 'A discourse touching the present consultac(i)on concerninge the peace wth Spaine.. by Sir Walter Rawleigh and directed to kinge James.. 1602' (fol. 93). A version of the discourse presenting the arguments of the war party (cf. Works, VIII (1829), 299-316), fols. 93-105, followed by a transcript of the Council of War, 21 Nov. 1587, conc. the defence of the realm (before the Spanish Armada), fols. 105-10v. fols. 93-110v;-
(6) 'Of Robert Devoreux Earle of Essex And George Villiers Duke of Buck(ing)ham' (fol. 111). A copy of Sir Henry Wotton's parallel of the characters of Essex and Buckingham. See Sir H. Wotton, Reliquiae Wottonianae (1651). Another copy is in MSS/0247. fols. 111-30v.