Original letters, mainly to John Thorpe, senior
Original letters, mainly to John Thorpe, senior
ff. 282.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Original letters mainly to John Thorpe, senior; 1705-50, with a few earlier and later items, 1684-97, 1760,1768. Addressed to Thorpe unless otherwise stated. Contents (item nos. as in Ellis (1816), 60-4):-
(1) John Allen, hoping that Thorpe would continue to give advice on Rochester Bridge, n.d. fols. 1-2;-
(2-3) John Anstis, Garter, two letters (a) mentioning collections conc. Kent in his possession, visitations in the Heralds Office, MSS in the Dering, Carnarvon and Sebright collections and his own drawings of seals, (b) conveying Lord Harley's interest in William Lambarde's Anglo-Saxon MSS, with an autograph note of Humfrey Wanley, 12 Jan. 1718/19, 12 Apr. 1721. fols. 3-6v;-
(4) Elias Ashmole to Dr Robert Plot, conc. the Tutbury Bull morning (see Magna Britannia, V (1730),155; Archaeologia, 2 (1773), 86- 91), cakes, ale and singing when byelaws passed at Tutbury regarding minstrels, and Museum matters, 21 Nov. 1685. fols. 7-8v;-
(5) Stephen Austen, conc. the printing of the Kentish Poll, asking Thorpe for a preface, 26 Sept. 1734. fol. 9;-
(6) Rev. Samuel Atwood, conc. an unfortunate curate, 1 July n.y. fol. 10;-
(7-21) John Baynard, senior, with a few letters of John Baynard, junior, conc. transcription work for Thorpe, 24 Apr. 1725-30 Aug. 1737. fols. 11-36v;-
(22-30) Francis Barrell, conc. Rochester Bridge, legal and political matters, 24 March 1741/2-1 July 1750. fols. 37-50;-
(31-2) Jo.Bate, conc. a medical case, and the Bate family, 21 May 1709, 28 Sept. 1742. fols. 51-3v;-
(33) Rev. J. Beresford, thanking Thorpe for information, 10 May 1739. fol. 54;-
(34) Mawdesley Best, conc. a candidate for Rochester, n.d. fol. 55;-
(35-6) Thomas Best, conc. Thorpe's help in emblazoning the arms of the Best family, 23 Nov., 4 Dec. n.y. fols. 56-9v;-
(37-9) Jacob Bobart, conc. (a) Oxford news with a printed Latin Ode from a recent Oxford Act, and Latin verse by Bobart, (b) weather during the previous winter, (c) publication of the 5th Decade of James Petiver's Gazophylacium (1702-9), and Dr Massey of Wisbech, Whit Monday 1706, 13 June 1709, n.d. fols. 60-6v;-
(40) William Browning, conc. an inscription, 18 Jan. 1734. fols. 67-8v;-
(41-5) John Burman, partly Latin, conc. books, Burman's MSS, 5 Aug. 1706-23 Jan. 1723. fols. 69-75;-
(46) S. and N. Buck, asking for text for plates of Rochester, Chatham, Canterbury and Maidstone, 6 Dec. 1737. fol. 76;-
(47-9) (Sir) James Burrow, (VPSA), three letters, the first to Charles Sloane at Gravesend, mostly conc. the Burrow family, 12 March 1747-18 Aug. 1749. fols. 77-82v;-
(50) W. Byrch to the Rev. Beresford, conc. tithes, 6 Nov. 1729. fols. 83-4v;-
(51) Dr Arthur Charlett, conveying a message from the Bp of Chester, 11 Oct. 1720. fol. 85;-
(52) Thomas Cockman, with payment for information, 9 Dec. 1739. fol. 86;-
(53) Robert Clavering, asking him to send by the bearer a MS of the Antiquities of Oxford, Lambeth, 29 Aug. 1713. fol. 87;-
(54) John Colson, conc, arrears due to him from Rochester school, 21 June 1744. fols. 88-9v;-
(55) Thomas Coney, suggesting that he and Thorpe should take their doctorates at Oxford together to cut down expenses, 17 June 1710. fols. 90-1;-
(56) Thomas Cradock, sending a copy of the epitaph of his uncle Burman, etc., 15 Jan. 1742/3. fols. 92-3;-
(57) Thomas Curteis, admitting his authorship of a Latin essay on the cardinal, n.d. fols. 94-5v;-
(58-9) S. Dale, including a Latin epitaph on the naturalist, John Ray, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, with a translation by Nathaniel Coke, and notes on epitaphs in the diocese of Rochester, 11 Dec. 1706, 5 Aug. 1735. fols. 96-9v;-
(60-1) Dr John Denne, asking how the estate and rectory of Iselham, Cambs., came into the hands of the Bps of Rochester, etc., 17 Apr. 1727, 25 Jan. 1728. fols. 100-103;-
(62) Thomas Dunn, asking for details of a Spencer coat of arms which the writer was to execute, 15 Dec. 1739. fol. 104;-
(63) Brian Fairfax, asking Thorpe to procure some of the gold coins found near Sittingbourne, 27 Aug. n.y. fol. 105;-
(64) Sir Thomas Dyke, saying that Mr Buck was ready to engrave his house and asking Thorpe for an inscription, 19 Feb. 1739. fols. 106-7v;-
(65) Hon. J. Fane, conc. the election of a mayor of Rochester, 27 Jan. 1727/8. fols. 108-9v;-
(66) Edward Fellow, conc. MSS relating to Sandwich which he thought had been given to Dr Harris, 4 May 1723. fol. 110;-
(67-8) Sir Edward Filmer, asking if the manor of Kingsnorth were exempt from tithes, 8 Dec. 1728, 6 Oct. 1730. fols. 111-14v;-
(69) Sir John Floyer, conc. his work on blood pressure, 5 March 1708. fol. 115;-
(70-1) Richard Foster, sending a catalogue of MSS and describing his eye troubles, 19 Dec. 1724, 29 Jan. 1725/6. fols. 116-18v;- (72) Thomas Fuller, on the death of his wife, 10 Aug. 1726. fols. 119-20v;-
(73-4) Thomas Greenhill, asking when a notice of his book, Necrocedeia (1705), would be printed in the Phil. Trans., 11 Dec. n.y., 21 Nov. 1705. fols. 121-4v;-
(75) Dr David Gregory, thanking Thorpe for a proof, 9 Oct. n.y. fols. 125-6;-
(76) Jo. Harwood asking if he could delay publication of his account in the Phil. Trans., 24 Aug. n.y. fol. 127;-
(77-8) Sir Francis Head, two letters (a) enclosing verses and asking for a copy of Cardinal Mazarin's epitaph, (b) saying that the birth of Bacchus decorated the ceiling of his cube room and that he was now planning a reference to Bacchus in the chimneypiece and asking for help in finding a suitable print, 28 Nov. 1721, 31 July 1737. fols. 128-31v;-
(79-80) Thomas Hearne, conc. (a) a parcel, (b) payment for a copy on small paper of his edition of the Black Book of the Exchequer, 8 May 1722, 20 Feb. 1728. fols. 133-5v;-
(81) J. Hooker, asking if Thorpe still wished to subscribe £500 to the navigation of the River Medway, 25 Feb. 1739. fols. 136-7v;-
(82) Dr P. Hotton, conc. botany, 16 March 1708. Latin. fols. 138-9v;-
(83-4) J. Hudson, conc. the publication of his Geographia (4 vols., 1698-1712), 21 Apr. 1708, 27 July 1710. fols. 140-3v;-
(85) William Hugessen, offering as a gift curiosities of Sir Roger Leet on the death of Lady Meredith, Leeds Abbey, 19 May 1742. fols. 144-5v;-
(86) John Jarvis, asking on behalf of Mr Harwood a copy of the endowment of the vicarage of Erith, 8 May 1721. fols. 146-7v;-
(87-8) Thomas Lambard, senior, sending extracts from his book, and asking help in obtaining a vacancy for a warden of Rochester Bridge for his son, 12 May 1725, 1 Nov. 1738. fols. 148-51v;-
(89) Rev. George Lewis, asking for a copy of the endowment of Cuddam vicarage for the minister, 24 Oct. 1724. fols. 152-3v;-
(90-4). Rev. John Lewis of Margate, letters mostly to John Thorpe, senior, asking for a copy of a papal bull from Bp Fisher's register, mentioning Dr Harris and Sandwich records, mistakes in Leland, Kentish terms, 'swillingland', etc., offering a copy of a licence of Henry IV to appropriate part of the tithes of Northflete to two chantries, etc., 23 Apr. 1723-13 July 1728, n.d. fols. 154-61;-
(95-6) Dr Richard Middleton Massey, FSA, two letters (a) describing his method of taking impressions from medals, and medical treatments, (b) asking for information regarding a disturbance at the Royal Society, mentioning his laboratory, inscriptions at Wisbech, etc., 19 Aug. 1705, 31 Aug. 1713. fols. 162-4v;-
(97) Note from Jos. Miller and R. Rand asking to see Thorpe, n.d. fols. 165-6v;-
(98) John Newcombe, Dean of Rochester, to John Thorpe, junior, enquiring about the history of the hospital, 14 Apr. 1760. fols. 167-8v;-
(99) Thomas Nelson, University College, Oxford, conc. John Thorpe, junior, the fine collection of portraits at Cornbury House, etc., 23 Nov. 1737. fols. 169-70v;-
(100) Henry, 7th Duke of Norfolk to Dr Robert Plot, conc. the Duke of Ormond's relapse, with a cautious reference to business already discussed, and saying that a visit to Oxford might be useful, 5 May 1688. fols. 171-2v;-
(101) John Peachie to --, thanking him for his visit and asking for chemical medicines promised, Gloucester, 9 July 1684. fol. 173;-
(102) J. Pellet, asking him to leave a copy of Longinus at the bookbinders, 30 July 1710. fols. 174-5v;-
(103) Dr Robert Plot's widow to Robert Dale of the Heralds Office, claiming an allowance due for Plot's attendance at the funeral of Queen Mary, 29 May 1697. fol. 176;-
(104-11) Dr Richard Rawlinson, asking for information, 29 Dec. 1738-16 July 1742. fols. 177-89;-
(112) Sir Walter Roberts, conc. a friend interested in the presentation to the chapel at Tunbridge Wells, 11 Jan. 1743. fols. 190-1v;-
(113) John (Dolben?), Bp of Rochester, to W. Peynter (Paynter?), saying that he would be visiting Chiswick and Richmond and could interview a candidate, 18 Apr. n.y. fols. 192-3v;-
(114) William Fleetwood, Bp of St Asaph, conc. Hearne's edition of Leland's Itinerary (1710-12), c. 1712. fols. 194-5v;-
(115-16) Nicholas Claggett, Bp of St Davids, two letters (a) conc. a peerage case before the Lords, (b) sending proofs of Rochester from (Browne) Willis, 14 March 1731/2, 7 Sept. 1732. fols. 196-200;-
(117-20) Dr H. Scheuchzer, conc. botany, 10 Feb. 1706-9 July 1708. Latin. fols. 201-6;-
(121) Henry Sheafe, saying that Sir Francis Head was threatened with ejection from the manor of Alkerton for non-payment of Castle Guard rent and asking for information conc. relevant Crown grants since the penalty was unreasonable, 12 June 1742. fol. 207;-
(122-5) Sir Hans Sloane, notes of introduction for and to John Thorpe, senior, and a warning of an impostor, 14 Aug. 1712-22 July 1733. fols. 208-15v;-
(126) Rev. Joshua Strother, saying that he could not find an inscription relating to Edmund Thorpe in his registers, and that Dr. Grant, receiver of Rochester, had sent a demand for rent, 12 Feb. 1722. fols. 216-17;-
(127) Letter or letters in three different cyphers addressed to George Stubbs, University College, Oxford. fols. 218-19v;-
(128) John Tabor, conc. information on the Thorpe family received from the Rev. Darby, vicar of Friston, and progress on engraving copper plates, 2 Dec. 1728. fols. 220-1v;-
(129) Charles Tadlow, D. Med., of St John's College, Oxford, conc. university business, and the cause of physick, 20 Dec. 1714. fols. 222-3v;-
(130) Vassily Nikitich Tatishchev, translation of the Russian letter in SAL/MS/199 bis*, Section V, item 9, conc. his history of Russia (published, 4 vols., Moscow, 1768-84), 12 June 1749. With a note by John Thorpe, junior, identifying Tatishchev and saying that this translation, with the original letter, had been presented to him by Robert Dingley, FRS, in 1772. fols. 224-5;-
(131) George Faunce (not Taunce, cf. Ellis), conc. a pedigree, 8 June 1725. fols. 226-7;-
(132) Dr Brook Taylor, with thanks for a copy of the statutes of the Royal Society, 22 Aug. 1714. fols. 228-9v;-
(133-5) Alban Thomas, formerly assistant to Edward Lhuyd at the Ashmolean Museum, seeking employment, and giving prices of books wanted by Thorpe, 25 July, 7 Aug. 1709-9 May 1722. fols. 230-4v;-
(136-7) N. Toke, sending a book on Romney Marsh, and asking support for a candidate for a vacancy as coroner, 2 Aug. 1731, 13 Feb. 1743. fols. 235-8v;-
(138) Daniel Turner, physician of Ashford, asking what time he should attend the Royal Society for admission, 27 Nov. 1712. fol. 239;-
(139) George Vertue, with thanks for information on the Tower of London and offering two impressions of the plate of the Tower engraved by Vertue for SA, 23 Oct. 1742. fol. 240;-
(140) S. Wall, conc. an insertion for the Phil. Trans., 26 June 1708. fols. 241-2v;-
(141) Dr John Wallis to the Rev. --, seeking a correspondent in Scotland interested in natural history, n.d. fol. 243;-
(142) Francis Walwyn, giving Oxford news, 10 Sept. 1735. fols. 244-5v;-
(143) John Warburton, Somerset Herald, conc. prices in a sale of Thomas Hearne's books, a coat of arms, etc., 28 Feb. 1727. fols. 246-7v;-
(144-5) Robert Weller, conc. an epitaph, 27 July, 3 Aug. 1722. fols. 248-50v;-
(146) John, 7th Earl of Westmorland, conc. his proposed visit to the Dock, 28 May 1744. fols. 251-2v;-
(147) Thomas, 1st Viscount Weymouth, to --, with thanks for a book conc. improvements to his park at Drayton, 23 Aug. 1686. fol. 253;- (148) James Wigley, asking for instructions conc. a coat of arms, 4 May 1736. fol. 254;-
(149) Dr David Wilkins, conc. his Concilia (1737), 13 Apr. 1736. fols. 255-6v;-
(150-2) Heneage, 5th Earl of Winchilsea, conc. the choice of his High Bailiff for Wye, sending Mr Harbin's deeds and a print of Vertue's engraving of the Westminster tournament roll, 6, 22 Dec. 1722-6 Sept. 1726. fols. 258-9v;-
(153-5) Dr John Woodward of Gresham College, conc. Dr Scheuchzer, 5 Sept. 1705-30 Nov. 1717. fols. 264-7v;-
(156-60) Thomas Wotton, conc. his work on the English Baronetage (1727), 16 Nov. 1725-15 Nov. 1726. fols. 268-74v;-
(161) Dr J. Young, offering to the Royal Society the head of a Roman bolt found near Leeds Castle, 9 Nov. 1708. fol. 275;-
(162) John Thorpe, senior, to Dr Arthur Charlett, conc. Dr Scheuchzer's Itinera Alpina, 12 Apr. 1708. fol. 276;-
(163) John Thorpe, senior, to a member of the Council of the Royal Society conc. the insufficiency of his income and his need to find new accommodation, 16 Aug. 1711;-
(164) John Thorpe, senior, to Stafford Price, asking for advice on Newtown, Montgomeryshire, as a suitable place for a physician to settle, 1 Apr. 1714. fol. 278;-
(165) John Thorpe, senior, to -- Mundy, saying that he had found an old friend, 'G. S', reading 'Prophetical Warnings', n.d. fol. 279;-
(166) John Thorpe, junior, to Sir Joseph Ayloffe, 6th Bt., FRS, FSA, conc. a portrait of John Thorpe, senior (engraved by J. Bayly for the Registrum Roffense (1669)), 29 Feb. 1768.
fols. 280-1v. Short list of medical books by John Thorpe, senior, fol. 282.
(1) John Allen, hoping that Thorpe would continue to give advice on Rochester Bridge, n.d. fols. 1-2;-
(2-3) John Anstis, Garter, two letters (a) mentioning collections conc. Kent in his possession, visitations in the Heralds Office, MSS in the Dering, Carnarvon and Sebright collections and his own drawings of seals, (b) conveying Lord Harley's interest in William Lambarde's Anglo-Saxon MSS, with an autograph note of Humfrey Wanley, 12 Jan. 1718/19, 12 Apr. 1721. fols. 3-6v;-
(4) Elias Ashmole to Dr Robert Plot, conc. the Tutbury Bull morning (see Magna Britannia, V (1730),155; Archaeologia, 2 (1773), 86- 91), cakes, ale and singing when byelaws passed at Tutbury regarding minstrels, and Museum matters, 21 Nov. 1685. fols. 7-8v;-
(5) Stephen Austen, conc. the printing of the Kentish Poll, asking Thorpe for a preface, 26 Sept. 1734. fol. 9;-
(6) Rev. Samuel Atwood, conc. an unfortunate curate, 1 July n.y. fol. 10;-
(7-21) John Baynard, senior, with a few letters of John Baynard, junior, conc. transcription work for Thorpe, 24 Apr. 1725-30 Aug. 1737. fols. 11-36v;-
(22-30) Francis Barrell, conc. Rochester Bridge, legal and political matters, 24 March 1741/2-1 July 1750. fols. 37-50;-
(31-2) Jo.Bate, conc. a medical case, and the Bate family, 21 May 1709, 28 Sept. 1742. fols. 51-3v;-
(33) Rev. J. Beresford, thanking Thorpe for information, 10 May 1739. fol. 54;-
(34) Mawdesley Best, conc. a candidate for Rochester, n.d. fol. 55;-
(35-6) Thomas Best, conc. Thorpe's help in emblazoning the arms of the Best family, 23 Nov., 4 Dec. n.y. fols. 56-9v;-
(37-9) Jacob Bobart, conc. (a) Oxford news with a printed Latin Ode from a recent Oxford Act, and Latin verse by Bobart, (b) weather during the previous winter, (c) publication of the 5th Decade of James Petiver's Gazophylacium (1702-9), and Dr Massey of Wisbech, Whit Monday 1706, 13 June 1709, n.d. fols. 60-6v;-
(40) William Browning, conc. an inscription, 18 Jan. 1734. fols. 67-8v;-
(41-5) John Burman, partly Latin, conc. books, Burman's MSS, 5 Aug. 1706-23 Jan. 1723. fols. 69-75;-
(46) S. and N. Buck, asking for text for plates of Rochester, Chatham, Canterbury and Maidstone, 6 Dec. 1737. fol. 76;-
(47-9) (Sir) James Burrow, (VPSA), three letters, the first to Charles Sloane at Gravesend, mostly conc. the Burrow family, 12 March 1747-18 Aug. 1749. fols. 77-82v;-
(50) W. Byrch to the Rev. Beresford, conc. tithes, 6 Nov. 1729. fols. 83-4v;-
(51) Dr Arthur Charlett, conveying a message from the Bp of Chester, 11 Oct. 1720. fol. 85;-
(52) Thomas Cockman, with payment for information, 9 Dec. 1739. fol. 86;-
(53) Robert Clavering, asking him to send by the bearer a MS of the Antiquities of Oxford, Lambeth, 29 Aug. 1713. fol. 87;-
(54) John Colson, conc, arrears due to him from Rochester school, 21 June 1744. fols. 88-9v;-
(55) Thomas Coney, suggesting that he and Thorpe should take their doctorates at Oxford together to cut down expenses, 17 June 1710. fols. 90-1;-
(56) Thomas Cradock, sending a copy of the epitaph of his uncle Burman, etc., 15 Jan. 1742/3. fols. 92-3;-
(57) Thomas Curteis, admitting his authorship of a Latin essay on the cardinal, n.d. fols. 94-5v;-
(58-9) S. Dale, including a Latin epitaph on the naturalist, John Ray, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, with a translation by Nathaniel Coke, and notes on epitaphs in the diocese of Rochester, 11 Dec. 1706, 5 Aug. 1735. fols. 96-9v;-
(60-1) Dr John Denne, asking how the estate and rectory of Iselham, Cambs., came into the hands of the Bps of Rochester, etc., 17 Apr. 1727, 25 Jan. 1728. fols. 100-103;-
(62) Thomas Dunn, asking for details of a Spencer coat of arms which the writer was to execute, 15 Dec. 1739. fol. 104;-
(63) Brian Fairfax, asking Thorpe to procure some of the gold coins found near Sittingbourne, 27 Aug. n.y. fol. 105;-
(64) Sir Thomas Dyke, saying that Mr Buck was ready to engrave his house and asking Thorpe for an inscription, 19 Feb. 1739. fols. 106-7v;-
(65) Hon. J. Fane, conc. the election of a mayor of Rochester, 27 Jan. 1727/8. fols. 108-9v;-
(66) Edward Fellow, conc. MSS relating to Sandwich which he thought had been given to Dr Harris, 4 May 1723. fol. 110;-
(67-8) Sir Edward Filmer, asking if the manor of Kingsnorth were exempt from tithes, 8 Dec. 1728, 6 Oct. 1730. fols. 111-14v;-
(69) Sir John Floyer, conc. his work on blood pressure, 5 March 1708. fol. 115;-
(70-1) Richard Foster, sending a catalogue of MSS and describing his eye troubles, 19 Dec. 1724, 29 Jan. 1725/6. fols. 116-18v;- (72) Thomas Fuller, on the death of his wife, 10 Aug. 1726. fols. 119-20v;-
(73-4) Thomas Greenhill, asking when a notice of his book, Necrocedeia (1705), would be printed in the Phil. Trans., 11 Dec. n.y., 21 Nov. 1705. fols. 121-4v;-
(75) Dr David Gregory, thanking Thorpe for a proof, 9 Oct. n.y. fols. 125-6;-
(76) Jo. Harwood asking if he could delay publication of his account in the Phil. Trans., 24 Aug. n.y. fol. 127;-
(77-8) Sir Francis Head, two letters (a) enclosing verses and asking for a copy of Cardinal Mazarin's epitaph, (b) saying that the birth of Bacchus decorated the ceiling of his cube room and that he was now planning a reference to Bacchus in the chimneypiece and asking for help in finding a suitable print, 28 Nov. 1721, 31 July 1737. fols. 128-31v;-
(79-80) Thomas Hearne, conc. (a) a parcel, (b) payment for a copy on small paper of his edition of the Black Book of the Exchequer, 8 May 1722, 20 Feb. 1728. fols. 133-5v;-
(81) J. Hooker, asking if Thorpe still wished to subscribe £500 to the navigation of the River Medway, 25 Feb. 1739. fols. 136-7v;-
(82) Dr P. Hotton, conc. botany, 16 March 1708. Latin. fols. 138-9v;-
(83-4) J. Hudson, conc. the publication of his Geographia (4 vols., 1698-1712), 21 Apr. 1708, 27 July 1710. fols. 140-3v;-
(85) William Hugessen, offering as a gift curiosities of Sir Roger Leet on the death of Lady Meredith, Leeds Abbey, 19 May 1742. fols. 144-5v;-
(86) John Jarvis, asking on behalf of Mr Harwood a copy of the endowment of the vicarage of Erith, 8 May 1721. fols. 146-7v;-
(87-8) Thomas Lambard, senior, sending extracts from his book, and asking help in obtaining a vacancy for a warden of Rochester Bridge for his son, 12 May 1725, 1 Nov. 1738. fols. 148-51v;-
(89) Rev. George Lewis, asking for a copy of the endowment of Cuddam vicarage for the minister, 24 Oct. 1724. fols. 152-3v;-
(90-4). Rev. John Lewis of Margate, letters mostly to John Thorpe, senior, asking for a copy of a papal bull from Bp Fisher's register, mentioning Dr Harris and Sandwich records, mistakes in Leland, Kentish terms, 'swillingland', etc., offering a copy of a licence of Henry IV to appropriate part of the tithes of Northflete to two chantries, etc., 23 Apr. 1723-13 July 1728, n.d. fols. 154-61;-
(95-6) Dr Richard Middleton Massey, FSA, two letters (a) describing his method of taking impressions from medals, and medical treatments, (b) asking for information regarding a disturbance at the Royal Society, mentioning his laboratory, inscriptions at Wisbech, etc., 19 Aug. 1705, 31 Aug. 1713. fols. 162-4v;-
(97) Note from Jos. Miller and R. Rand asking to see Thorpe, n.d. fols. 165-6v;-
(98) John Newcombe, Dean of Rochester, to John Thorpe, junior, enquiring about the history of the hospital, 14 Apr. 1760. fols. 167-8v;-
(99) Thomas Nelson, University College, Oxford, conc. John Thorpe, junior, the fine collection of portraits at Cornbury House, etc., 23 Nov. 1737. fols. 169-70v;-
(100) Henry, 7th Duke of Norfolk to Dr Robert Plot, conc. the Duke of Ormond's relapse, with a cautious reference to business already discussed, and saying that a visit to Oxford might be useful, 5 May 1688. fols. 171-2v;-
(101) John Peachie to --, thanking him for his visit and asking for chemical medicines promised, Gloucester, 9 July 1684. fol. 173;-
(102) J. Pellet, asking him to leave a copy of Longinus at the bookbinders, 30 July 1710. fols. 174-5v;-
(103) Dr Robert Plot's widow to Robert Dale of the Heralds Office, claiming an allowance due for Plot's attendance at the funeral of Queen Mary, 29 May 1697. fol. 176;-
(104-11) Dr Richard Rawlinson, asking for information, 29 Dec. 1738-16 July 1742. fols. 177-89;-
(112) Sir Walter Roberts, conc. a friend interested in the presentation to the chapel at Tunbridge Wells, 11 Jan. 1743. fols. 190-1v;-
(113) John (Dolben?), Bp of Rochester, to W. Peynter (Paynter?), saying that he would be visiting Chiswick and Richmond and could interview a candidate, 18 Apr. n.y. fols. 192-3v;-
(114) William Fleetwood, Bp of St Asaph, conc. Hearne's edition of Leland's Itinerary (1710-12), c. 1712. fols. 194-5v;-
(115-16) Nicholas Claggett, Bp of St Davids, two letters (a) conc. a peerage case before the Lords, (b) sending proofs of Rochester from (Browne) Willis, 14 March 1731/2, 7 Sept. 1732. fols. 196-200;-
(117-20) Dr H. Scheuchzer, conc. botany, 10 Feb. 1706-9 July 1708. Latin. fols. 201-6;-
(121) Henry Sheafe, saying that Sir Francis Head was threatened with ejection from the manor of Alkerton for non-payment of Castle Guard rent and asking for information conc. relevant Crown grants since the penalty was unreasonable, 12 June 1742. fol. 207;-
(122-5) Sir Hans Sloane, notes of introduction for and to John Thorpe, senior, and a warning of an impostor, 14 Aug. 1712-22 July 1733. fols. 208-15v;-
(126) Rev. Joshua Strother, saying that he could not find an inscription relating to Edmund Thorpe in his registers, and that Dr. Grant, receiver of Rochester, had sent a demand for rent, 12 Feb. 1722. fols. 216-17;-
(127) Letter or letters in three different cyphers addressed to George Stubbs, University College, Oxford. fols. 218-19v;-
(128) John Tabor, conc. information on the Thorpe family received from the Rev. Darby, vicar of Friston, and progress on engraving copper plates, 2 Dec. 1728. fols. 220-1v;-
(129) Charles Tadlow, D. Med., of St John's College, Oxford, conc. university business, and the cause of physick, 20 Dec. 1714. fols. 222-3v;-
(130) Vassily Nikitich Tatishchev, translation of the Russian letter in SAL/MS/199 bis*, Section V, item 9, conc. his history of Russia (published, 4 vols., Moscow, 1768-84), 12 June 1749. With a note by John Thorpe, junior, identifying Tatishchev and saying that this translation, with the original letter, had been presented to him by Robert Dingley, FRS, in 1772. fols. 224-5;-
(131) George Faunce (not Taunce, cf. Ellis), conc. a pedigree, 8 June 1725. fols. 226-7;-
(132) Dr Brook Taylor, with thanks for a copy of the statutes of the Royal Society, 22 Aug. 1714. fols. 228-9v;-
(133-5) Alban Thomas, formerly assistant to Edward Lhuyd at the Ashmolean Museum, seeking employment, and giving prices of books wanted by Thorpe, 25 July, 7 Aug. 1709-9 May 1722. fols. 230-4v;-
(136-7) N. Toke, sending a book on Romney Marsh, and asking support for a candidate for a vacancy as coroner, 2 Aug. 1731, 13 Feb. 1743. fols. 235-8v;-
(138) Daniel Turner, physician of Ashford, asking what time he should attend the Royal Society for admission, 27 Nov. 1712. fol. 239;-
(139) George Vertue, with thanks for information on the Tower of London and offering two impressions of the plate of the Tower engraved by Vertue for SA, 23 Oct. 1742. fol. 240;-
(140) S. Wall, conc. an insertion for the Phil. Trans., 26 June 1708. fols. 241-2v;-
(141) Dr John Wallis to the Rev. --, seeking a correspondent in Scotland interested in natural history, n.d. fol. 243;-
(142) Francis Walwyn, giving Oxford news, 10 Sept. 1735. fols. 244-5v;-
(143) John Warburton, Somerset Herald, conc. prices in a sale of Thomas Hearne's books, a coat of arms, etc., 28 Feb. 1727. fols. 246-7v;-
(144-5) Robert Weller, conc. an epitaph, 27 July, 3 Aug. 1722. fols. 248-50v;-
(146) John, 7th Earl of Westmorland, conc. his proposed visit to the Dock, 28 May 1744. fols. 251-2v;-
(147) Thomas, 1st Viscount Weymouth, to --, with thanks for a book conc. improvements to his park at Drayton, 23 Aug. 1686. fol. 253;- (148) James Wigley, asking for instructions conc. a coat of arms, 4 May 1736. fol. 254;-
(149) Dr David Wilkins, conc. his Concilia (1737), 13 Apr. 1736. fols. 255-6v;-
(150-2) Heneage, 5th Earl of Winchilsea, conc. the choice of his High Bailiff for Wye, sending Mr Harbin's deeds and a print of Vertue's engraving of the Westminster tournament roll, 6, 22 Dec. 1722-6 Sept. 1726. fols. 258-9v;-
(153-5) Dr John Woodward of Gresham College, conc. Dr Scheuchzer, 5 Sept. 1705-30 Nov. 1717. fols. 264-7v;-
(156-60) Thomas Wotton, conc. his work on the English Baronetage (1727), 16 Nov. 1725-15 Nov. 1726. fols. 268-74v;-
(161) Dr J. Young, offering to the Royal Society the head of a Roman bolt found near Leeds Castle, 9 Nov. 1708. fol. 275;-
(162) John Thorpe, senior, to Dr Arthur Charlett, conc. Dr Scheuchzer's Itinera Alpina, 12 Apr. 1708. fol. 276;-
(163) John Thorpe, senior, to a member of the Council of the Royal Society conc. the insufficiency of his income and his need to find new accommodation, 16 Aug. 1711;-
(164) John Thorpe, senior, to Stafford Price, asking for advice on Newtown, Montgomeryshire, as a suitable place for a physician to settle, 1 Apr. 1714. fol. 278;-
(165) John Thorpe, senior, to -- Mundy, saying that he had found an old friend, 'G. S', reading 'Prophetical Warnings', n.d. fol. 279;-
(166) John Thorpe, junior, to Sir Joseph Ayloffe, 6th Bt., FRS, FSA, conc. a portrait of John Thorpe, senior (engraved by J. Bayly for the Registrum Roffense (1669)), 29 Feb. 1768.
fols. 280-1v. Short list of medical books by John Thorpe, senior, fol. 282.
Thorpe, John (1682-1750), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.