Composite volume
Reference code
Composite volume
mostly 1579-1676
Level of description
Extent and format
91 items calendared by C. S. Perceval, FSA, of which two (items 33,91) are separately bound as MSS/0201/3,43, and one item (40) is now preserved as CEL/20 (was MS/444/A), fols. 46-7v.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Scope and content
Composite volume containing parts of MSS/0200 (Ellis, arts. 1,2) and most of MSS/0201. Two items from MSS/0201 (Ellis, arts.3,43) are bound separately. Arranged by C. S. Perceval, 1884, in three sections:- I. Topographical; II. Official and political papers; III. Miscellaneous.
For further details see Perceval's notes and calendars, fols. i-x verso, and also (for 201) Ellis (1816). Said, fol. i, to consist of MSS formerly owned by the Paynter (Painter) family of Gillingham, Kent. See also MSS/0113. Concordance of item nos. in 201 as catalogued by Ellis (1816) and item nos. in the present volume, fol. i verso.
References below are to the ink foliation or item nos. in the calendars.
Section I. Topographical. Consists of items/fols. 1-32,34-7 (38) in the calendar, fols. ii verso-iv; item 33 is bound separately as 201/3. As follows:-
(1-32,34) Formerly part of 200 (Ellis, art. 1). Rentals, court leet presentments, names of inhabitants, etc., of manors in Gillingham, 1577/8-1673;-
(35,36) Two letters, 1579, to Mr Leigh of Peckleton, Leics., from Thomas Hatcher, and William Kinder, both relating to Newnham wells, Warws., with Latin verses. See Ellis, 201, arts.22,2;-
(37) Account of the consecration of the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, by George Montague, Bp of London, Ascension Day, 1623, with details of the sermon preached by John Donne (printed as Encaenia (1623). See Ellis, 201, art.29.
Section II. Official and political papers. Consists of items/fols. 39-75 in the calendars, fols. v-vi verso, vii-viii verso; misbound, items 39-55 bound after items 56-75. As follows:-
(39) Draft letter of the Lord Chamberlain (Lord Hunsdon) to Thomas Worsley and John Leigh to set watches to secure the I. of Wight against attack by the Spaniards, c. 1586. Ellis, 201, art.35;-
(40) Warrant of Queen Elizabeth to Sir Robert Constable, Lieutenant of the Tower, to deliver powder, etc., 26 July 1591. Now in 444 A, fols. 46-7v;-
(41-6) Formerly part of 200 (Ellis, art.2). Papers relating to the Office of Ordnance, 1591, etc.;-
(47,48) Exchequer papers. Ellis, 201, arts.23,24;-
(49) Draft relating to the Queen's part in the royal mines. Ellis, 201, art. 1;-
(50) Proposed reform of navy accounts, March 1582/3. Ellis, art. 13;-
(51,52) Money for Irish wars, temp. Eliz. Ellis, 201, arts.8,11;-
(53-5) Sums raised by taxes, etc., 1608, n.d. Ellis, 201, arts.20,26,25;-
(56) Copy letter of the Earl of Essex on starting for the Cadiz expedition, 13 June 1596. Ellis, 201, art.42;-
(57) Father Edmund Campion's challenge to the Privy Council, 1580. See J.Lingard, History of England, VI (1874), 165. Ellis, 201, art.21;-
(58) Notes for a speech conc. a peace treaty, 22 Feb. 1599/1600. Ellis, 201, art.27;-
(59,60) Prisoners executed, fines, etc., after the Essex rebellion, 1601-2/3. Ellis, 201, arts.30,6;-
(61) 'The Puritans Threate', i.e. threatening letters circulated in Kent. Ellis, 201, item 37;-
(62) List of men of war sent to aid the king of Navarre (afterw. Henry IV), c. 1589;-
(63) Memorial of suits which could be granted by the king to his servants without detriment to Crown revenues, Dec. 1608. Ellis, 201, art.40;-
(64) Copy of Archbishop Abbot's Remonstrance to James I on religious toleration (against sending Prince Charles to Spain). Ellis, 201, art. 18;-
(65) Abstract of the Duke of Buckingham's relation to both houses conc. proceedings in Spain, 24 Feb. 1623/4. Ellis, 201, art.7;-
(74) Note of bills proposed in Parliament, 22 Feb. 1676/7. Ellis, 201, item 28;-
(75) Commons address to Chas.II urging alliance with the Dutch, after 1668. Ellis, 201, art.33.
Section III. Miscellaneous. Consists of items/fols. 76-90 in the calendar, fols. ix-x verso; item 91 is bound separately as MSS/0201/43. As follows:-
(76) Letter of James Paulfreyman to Mr Paynter conc. a project for a storehouse at Chatham, 20 March 1626/7. Ellis, 201, art.39;-
(77) Letter of John Marsham to his cousin, William Paynter, Delft, 16 Aug. 1629. Ellis, 201, art.38;-
(78) Life assurance for Walter Hickman of Kew, Surrey, by John Brampston of the Middle Temple, 29 Sept. 1612. Ellis, 201, art.4;-
(79) Edward Bruce, 2nd Lord Kinloss, challenge to Sir Edward Sackville (afterwards Earl of Dorset) and Sackville's answer. Lord Kinloss was killed in the duel, August 1613 (see GEC., s.v. Bruce of Kinlosse). Ellis, 201, art.34;-
(80) Printed court orders conc. the charitable gift of John Browne of London, deceased, 1652. Ellis, 201, item 10;-
(81,82) Extracts from printed sources (Beza, etc.) relating to church councils, and bishops. Ellis, 201, art. 19;-
(83) Note on the precedency and authority of bishops. Ellis, 201, art. 16;-
(84) Prognostication for 1629 sent from Rome to the Elector of Saxony. Ellis, 201, item 12;-
(85) Abusive address (anti-Papal?) to the 'most trecherous Artch mongerell ... in Plutos house', c. 1600. Ellis, 201, art.32;-
(86) Short extract regarding the expedition to Scotland, 1 Edw.VI. Ellis, 201, art.44;-
(87) Account of a vision of the crucifix, etc., seen before fighting the Moors, confirmed by oath of King Alfonso of Portugal, 1503. Copy, c. 1600. Ellis, 201, art.5;-
(88) Translation from Dutch conc. an old man who could rule his affections and counted himself king. Ellis, 201, art. 17;-
(89) Formerly in 200 (Ellis, art.2). Fragment of a treatise on fortication and artillery, c. 1600, with a few diagrams of fortifications;-
(90) Formerly in 200 (Ellis, art.2). Fragment of a treatise on musketry exercise, temp. Eliz. or Jas.I.
For further details see Perceval's notes and calendars, fols. i-x verso, and also (for 201) Ellis (1816). Said, fol. i, to consist of MSS formerly owned by the Paynter (Painter) family of Gillingham, Kent. See also MSS/0113. Concordance of item nos. in 201 as catalogued by Ellis (1816) and item nos. in the present volume, fol. i verso.
References below are to the ink foliation or item nos. in the calendars.
Section I. Topographical. Consists of items/fols. 1-32,34-7 (38) in the calendar, fols. ii verso-iv; item 33 is bound separately as 201/3. As follows:-
(1-32,34) Formerly part of 200 (Ellis, art. 1). Rentals, court leet presentments, names of inhabitants, etc., of manors in Gillingham, 1577/8-1673;-
(35,36) Two letters, 1579, to Mr Leigh of Peckleton, Leics., from Thomas Hatcher, and William Kinder, both relating to Newnham wells, Warws., with Latin verses. See Ellis, 201, arts.22,2;-
(37) Account of the consecration of the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, by George Montague, Bp of London, Ascension Day, 1623, with details of the sermon preached by John Donne (printed as Encaenia (1623). See Ellis, 201, art.29.
Section II. Official and political papers. Consists of items/fols. 39-75 in the calendars, fols. v-vi verso, vii-viii verso; misbound, items 39-55 bound after items 56-75. As follows:-
(39) Draft letter of the Lord Chamberlain (Lord Hunsdon) to Thomas Worsley and John Leigh to set watches to secure the I. of Wight against attack by the Spaniards, c. 1586. Ellis, 201, art.35;-
(40) Warrant of Queen Elizabeth to Sir Robert Constable, Lieutenant of the Tower, to deliver powder, etc., 26 July 1591. Now in 444 A, fols. 46-7v;-
(41-6) Formerly part of 200 (Ellis, art.2). Papers relating to the Office of Ordnance, 1591, etc.;-
(47,48) Exchequer papers. Ellis, 201, arts.23,24;-
(49) Draft relating to the Queen's part in the royal mines. Ellis, 201, art. 1;-
(50) Proposed reform of navy accounts, March 1582/3. Ellis, art. 13;-
(51,52) Money for Irish wars, temp. Eliz. Ellis, 201, arts.8,11;-
(53-5) Sums raised by taxes, etc., 1608, n.d. Ellis, 201, arts.20,26,25;-
(56) Copy letter of the Earl of Essex on starting for the Cadiz expedition, 13 June 1596. Ellis, 201, art.42;-
(57) Father Edmund Campion's challenge to the Privy Council, 1580. See J.Lingard, History of England, VI (1874), 165. Ellis, 201, art.21;-
(58) Notes for a speech conc. a peace treaty, 22 Feb. 1599/1600. Ellis, 201, art.27;-
(59,60) Prisoners executed, fines, etc., after the Essex rebellion, 1601-2/3. Ellis, 201, arts.30,6;-
(61) 'The Puritans Threate', i.e. threatening letters circulated in Kent. Ellis, 201, item 37;-
(62) List of men of war sent to aid the king of Navarre (afterw. Henry IV), c. 1589;-
(63) Memorial of suits which could be granted by the king to his servants without detriment to Crown revenues, Dec. 1608. Ellis, 201, art.40;-
(64) Copy of Archbishop Abbot's Remonstrance to James I on religious toleration (against sending Prince Charles to Spain). Ellis, 201, art. 18;-
(65) Abstract of the Duke of Buckingham's relation to both houses conc. proceedings in Spain, 24 Feb. 1623/4. Ellis, 201, art.7;-
(74) Note of bills proposed in Parliament, 22 Feb. 1676/7. Ellis, 201, item 28;-
(75) Commons address to Chas.II urging alliance with the Dutch, after 1668. Ellis, 201, art.33.
Section III. Miscellaneous. Consists of items/fols. 76-90 in the calendar, fols. ix-x verso; item 91 is bound separately as MSS/0201/43. As follows:-
(76) Letter of James Paulfreyman to Mr Paynter conc. a project for a storehouse at Chatham, 20 March 1626/7. Ellis, 201, art.39;-
(77) Letter of John Marsham to his cousin, William Paynter, Delft, 16 Aug. 1629. Ellis, 201, art.38;-
(78) Life assurance for Walter Hickman of Kew, Surrey, by John Brampston of the Middle Temple, 29 Sept. 1612. Ellis, 201, art.4;-
(79) Edward Bruce, 2nd Lord Kinloss, challenge to Sir Edward Sackville (afterwards Earl of Dorset) and Sackville's answer. Lord Kinloss was killed in the duel, August 1613 (see GEC., s.v. Bruce of Kinlosse). Ellis, 201, art.34;-
(80) Printed court orders conc. the charitable gift of John Browne of London, deceased, 1652. Ellis, 201, item 10;-
(81,82) Extracts from printed sources (Beza, etc.) relating to church councils, and bishops. Ellis, 201, art. 19;-
(83) Note on the precedency and authority of bishops. Ellis, 201, art. 16;-
(84) Prognostication for 1629 sent from Rome to the Elector of Saxony. Ellis, 201, item 12;-
(85) Abusive address (anti-Papal?) to the 'most trecherous Artch mongerell ... in Plutos house', c. 1600. Ellis, 201, art.32;-
(86) Short extract regarding the expedition to Scotland, 1 Edw.VI. Ellis, 201, art.44;-
(87) Account of a vision of the crucifix, etc., seen before fighting the Moors, confirmed by oath of King Alfonso of Portugal, 1503. Copy, c. 1600. Ellis, 201, art.5;-
(88) Translation from Dutch conc. an old man who could rule his affections and counted himself king. Ellis, 201, art. 17;-
(89) Formerly in 200 (Ellis, art.2). Fragment of a treatise on fortication and artillery, c. 1600, with a few diagrams of fortifications;-
(90) Formerly in 200 (Ellis, art.2). Fragment of a treatise on musketry exercise, temp. Eliz. or Jas.I.
Thorpe, John (1682-1750), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary
Perceval, Charles Spencer (1829-1889), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary
Perceval, Charles Spencer (1829-1889), antiquary
Previous reference number(s)
SAL/MS/200 + 201*