Composite volume
Composite volume
ff. v + 335. Composite volume.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards.
Composite volume containing all or parts of MSS/0182, MSS/0185/ter, MSS/0186, MSS/0188 (Ellis, art.1), MSS/0189/ter, MSS/0193, MSS/0195/ter, MSS/0199 (Ellis, art.4), MSS/0200 (Ellis, art.1), MSS/0212. Arranged by C.S.Perceval in seven sections for binding. Overall contents list, fols. i,ii, and covering notes for each section throughout. References are to the stamped foliation.
Section I (fols. 1-63v). From 185, 195 (see covering note, fol. iii) and 189. Notes and extracts mainly by John Thorpe, senior, on the history of Kent. Includes:- Thorpe's project to collect and publish the ancient charters of the bishopric and diocese of Rochester, with lists of sources, details of MSS in private hands (fols. 9-10v, including a MS of Cyriac Pettit shown to Thorpe by Mr Petit of Colkins in Boughton under the Blean and referring to Cyriac Pettit's survey of manors), fols. 1-13; place index by John Thorpe, junior, to fourteen registers of wills in the diocese of Rochester (annotated as from 189), fols. 21-5v; note by John Thorpe, senior, of fragments of an urn found at Barkfield given to him by John Watts (for whom see fol. 9v), 27 Jan.1721/2, fol. 29; extracts from Cyriac Pettit's copy, made 35 Hen.VIII, of the Book of Aids in Kent (Cyriac Pettit (d. 1591), Feodary of Kent, compiled a survey of the manors of Kent held of the king by knights service, 28 Hen.VIII; see E.Hasted, Kent, III (1790), 5), fols. 41-60v; manors held of Dover castle said to be from a MS owned by the Earl of Winchilsea (see fol. 10), fols. 61-3v.
Section II (fols. 64-141v). Said in the covering note, fol. iv, to be mostly from 195, with parts of 182, 189, 200 (Ellis, art.1), 212; also includes leaves from 185 and 188 (Ellis, art.1). Diocese of Rochester. Includes:- Note by John Thorpe, senior, of an ancient statue of Bp Hamo, formerly in the niche over a door of the palace at Halling (fol. 66), and Thorpe's copy (fols. 67-9v) of the self defence of John Warner, Bp of Rochester 1638-66, with a list of queries worthy to be considered by the House of Commons, fols. 65-9v (from 182); notes by Thorpe on the Archdeaconry of Rochester sent by him to Browne Willis, with the latter's reply, 11 Jan.1724 (fols. 70-5, from 185), two letters of Browne Willis to Dean Clegget and the Rev.Barrell, 1727 (fols. 80,83), notes by Willis and Thorpe on prebendaries, deans, etc., fols. 70-94; rental of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, 1720-1 (probably from 188, Ellis, art.1), fols. 101-16v; writs to bailiffs conc. courts baron, quitrents (fol. 120 annotated as from 212), extracts from registers, note by Thorpe to Thomas Allen (fol. 140) conc. transcripts from a small register (mostly from 200, Ellis, art.1), fols. 117-41v.
Section III (fols. 142-97). From 193 (covering note, fol. 142). Includes:- Extracts conc. the estates of the Wotton family of Boughton Malherbe, fols. 143-61; notes on Councils of Cloveshoe, fols. 177-94.
Section IV (fols. 198-264). From 185, 200 (Ellis, art.1), 199 (Ellis, art.4; see covering note, fol. 198). Epitaphs and genealogical notes. Includes:- Epitaphs, mostly Kent, with pedigrees of the Holker family, etc., and a copy letter (fols. 215-16v) of John Thorpe, junior, to John Holker at Rouen, 8 Dec.1772, fols. 198-223 (from 185); names of special jurors, Kent, fols. 224-6 (from 200, Ellis, art.1); epitaphs, various counties, some apparently drafted by John Thorpe, senior, with a few tricks of arms, and (fol. 261v) an engraved advertisement of John Rogers, brasier, of Harp Alley, near Fleet Market, London, fols. 227-64 (from 199, Ellis, art.4).
Section V (fols. 266-301). From 186 (covering note, fol. v). City of Rochester. Includes:- Transcripts of bye-laws conc. elections, etc., admission of John Thorpe, senior, as a freeman of Rochester (fol. 273), 17 Aug.1734, fols. 266-84; proposal for a rope factory, fols. 288-9; Chancery orders conc. Sir Joseph Williamson's mathematical school, list of governors and trustees, fols. 290-4; copy of loyal address of the City of Rochester, 9 June 1722, fol. 296; copy will of Richard Watts of Rochester, 1579, fols. 298-301.
Section VI (fols. 302-12v). From 200 (Ellis, art.1) and 'elsewhere' (covering note, fol. 302). Miscellaneous notes on Rochester. Includes:- Note by John Thorpe, senior, of urns found when the cellar was dug of Mr Philip Brooks house on Bully Hill, Rochester, 5 May 1721, fol. 304; extracts from vestry minutes, and poor rate assessments, of St Nicholas, Rochester, fols. 306-12v.
Section VII (fols. 313-35). From 200 (Ellis, art.1; see covering note, fol. 313). Anecdotes and note on the palmer or cankerworm, with a drawing, fols. 331-2v; letter of the Rev. Thomas Austen to John Thorpe, junior, 25 March 1767, enclosing an ancient seal found in a garden near Strood church, with a copy of the inscription, fol. 335.
Section I (fols. 1-63v). From 185, 195 (see covering note, fol. iii) and 189. Notes and extracts mainly by John Thorpe, senior, on the history of Kent. Includes:- Thorpe's project to collect and publish the ancient charters of the bishopric and diocese of Rochester, with lists of sources, details of MSS in private hands (fols. 9-10v, including a MS of Cyriac Pettit shown to Thorpe by Mr Petit of Colkins in Boughton under the Blean and referring to Cyriac Pettit's survey of manors), fols. 1-13; place index by John Thorpe, junior, to fourteen registers of wills in the diocese of Rochester (annotated as from 189), fols. 21-5v; note by John Thorpe, senior, of fragments of an urn found at Barkfield given to him by John Watts (for whom see fol. 9v), 27 Jan.1721/2, fol. 29; extracts from Cyriac Pettit's copy, made 35 Hen.VIII, of the Book of Aids in Kent (Cyriac Pettit (d. 1591), Feodary of Kent, compiled a survey of the manors of Kent held of the king by knights service, 28 Hen.VIII; see E.Hasted, Kent, III (1790), 5), fols. 41-60v; manors held of Dover castle said to be from a MS owned by the Earl of Winchilsea (see fol. 10), fols. 61-3v.
Section II (fols. 64-141v). Said in the covering note, fol. iv, to be mostly from 195, with parts of 182, 189, 200 (Ellis, art.1), 212; also includes leaves from 185 and 188 (Ellis, art.1). Diocese of Rochester. Includes:- Note by John Thorpe, senior, of an ancient statue of Bp Hamo, formerly in the niche over a door of the palace at Halling (fol. 66), and Thorpe's copy (fols. 67-9v) of the self defence of John Warner, Bp of Rochester 1638-66, with a list of queries worthy to be considered by the House of Commons, fols. 65-9v (from 182); notes by Thorpe on the Archdeaconry of Rochester sent by him to Browne Willis, with the latter's reply, 11 Jan.1724 (fols. 70-5, from 185), two letters of Browne Willis to Dean Clegget and the Rev.Barrell, 1727 (fols. 80,83), notes by Willis and Thorpe on prebendaries, deans, etc., fols. 70-94; rental of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, 1720-1 (probably from 188, Ellis, art.1), fols. 101-16v; writs to bailiffs conc. courts baron, quitrents (fol. 120 annotated as from 212), extracts from registers, note by Thorpe to Thomas Allen (fol. 140) conc. transcripts from a small register (mostly from 200, Ellis, art.1), fols. 117-41v.
Section III (fols. 142-97). From 193 (covering note, fol. 142). Includes:- Extracts conc. the estates of the Wotton family of Boughton Malherbe, fols. 143-61; notes on Councils of Cloveshoe, fols. 177-94.
Section IV (fols. 198-264). From 185, 200 (Ellis, art.1), 199 (Ellis, art.4; see covering note, fol. 198). Epitaphs and genealogical notes. Includes:- Epitaphs, mostly Kent, with pedigrees of the Holker family, etc., and a copy letter (fols. 215-16v) of John Thorpe, junior, to John Holker at Rouen, 8 Dec.1772, fols. 198-223 (from 185); names of special jurors, Kent, fols. 224-6 (from 200, Ellis, art.1); epitaphs, various counties, some apparently drafted by John Thorpe, senior, with a few tricks of arms, and (fol. 261v) an engraved advertisement of John Rogers, brasier, of Harp Alley, near Fleet Market, London, fols. 227-64 (from 199, Ellis, art.4).
Section V (fols. 266-301). From 186 (covering note, fol. v). City of Rochester. Includes:- Transcripts of bye-laws conc. elections, etc., admission of John Thorpe, senior, as a freeman of Rochester (fol. 273), 17 Aug.1734, fols. 266-84; proposal for a rope factory, fols. 288-9; Chancery orders conc. Sir Joseph Williamson's mathematical school, list of governors and trustees, fols. 290-4; copy of loyal address of the City of Rochester, 9 June 1722, fol. 296; copy will of Richard Watts of Rochester, 1579, fols. 298-301.
Section VI (fols. 302-12v). From 200 (Ellis, art.1) and 'elsewhere' (covering note, fol. 302). Miscellaneous notes on Rochester. Includes:- Note by John Thorpe, senior, of urns found when the cellar was dug of Mr Philip Brooks house on Bully Hill, Rochester, 5 May 1721, fol. 304; extracts from vestry minutes, and poor rate assessments, of St Nicholas, Rochester, fols. 306-12v.
Section VII (fols. 313-35). From 200 (Ellis, art.1; see covering note, fol. 313). Anecdotes and note on the palmer or cankerworm, with a drawing, fols. 331-2v; letter of the Rev. Thomas Austen to John Thorpe, junior, 25 March 1767, enclosing an ancient seal found in a garden near Strood church, with a copy of the inscription, fol. 335.
Thorpe, John (1682-1750), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary
Thorpe, John (1715-1792), antiquary