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Collection of tracts relating to Italy

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Collection of tracts relating to Italy
17th century
Level of description
Extent and format
Paper; ff. i + 279.
Leather binding, black, gilt-tooled, edges gilt. Annotations in English and Italian, mostly inked out, include 'Cambridge', fol. 1.
Scope and content
Collection of tracts, mostly political copies. Mostly Italian. Written in several hands.


(1) 'Relatione della Corte di Roma.'. An account of the protocol, officers, magistrates and their jurisdictions. fols. 1-84;-

(2) An account of the kingdom of Naples, fols. 86-143;-

(3) An account of the republic of Venice, fols. 144-97;-

(4) 'Avvertimenti e Ricordi di Paulo III° al Cardinal Farnese'. Observations of Paul III (1534-49) on the succession to the papacy. fols. 198-203v;-

(5) 'Breve Discorso sopra i pericoli..'. A warning of dangers incurred by princes who made alliances with heretics. fols. 204-14v;-

(6) 'Avvertimenti dati dal sige: Torquato tasso..' Instructions transmitted by Torquato Tasso to Annibale di Capua (Archbishop of Naples) as nuntio extra-ordinary of Sixtus V (1585-90) to the Emperor (Rudolph II). fols. 215-24;-

(7) 'Breve Discorso degli danni..'. A discourse on the public and private damage caused by heresy in France. fols. 225-33v;-

(8) 'Armandus Dux Cardinalis de Richelliù Misterium Politicum 1641'. Latin. A series of paragraphs beginning 'Misterium es', on Cardinal Richelieu as a political mystery. fols. 235-8;-

(9) 'Notamento di tutto i mali, e scandali..'. An account of evils and scandals arising from neglect of the interdict (of Paul V, 1606) by preachers, theologians, lay powers, and people. fols. 239-44;-

(10) 'Informatione Contenuta nelle lettere scritte dal sige: Pietro della Valle.. del Modo di governarsi nel uiaggio di Turchia, e Persia'. Advice from the letters of Pietro della Valle (1586-1652). His Travels (1650, 1658) describe his travels in Turkey, 1614-15, and Persia, 1617-23. fols. 245-62;-

(11) 'A'I Popoli Diletti Del Regno II Popolo Napolitano tradito si raccomanda'. An appeal for help by the people of Naples at the time of the 1647 rebellion. fols. 263-7v;-

(12) 'Lettera Da incerto a Papa Pio V°:..', 1569. A letter to Pius V (1566-72) answering the arguments of Jews and prostitutes against their expulsion from Rome, with (fols. 275-9) reasons given by the Romans. fols. 268-79.
Previous reference number(s)
Italian; Latin