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James I. Establishment list

Reference code
James I. Establishment list
c. 1603
Level of description
Extent and format
Paper; ff. 85.
Bound with MSS/0036, MSS/0039. Fragments of a Latin text relating to marriage, old age, ending with a reference to Lucian (Dialogues of the Dead, Loeb ed., VII (1961), 175), 18th century, fols. 51v, 85v.
Scope and content
'A Collection aswell of all the Kings Matyes Officers and Fees in anye his Courts at Westminster, as of all Officers and Fees in his Heighnes honorable howsholde..' (heading, fol. 3). An establishment list, fols. 10v-71, similar in many respects to that in MSS/0040, but names of officials are not given. Perhaps compiled temp. accession James I, 1603.

Preceded by a valuation of livings with tithes, fols. 3-6v, list of nobility, fols. 7-9 (includes Charles Howard, created Earl of Nottingham, 1597), and the number of churches in every shire, fols. 9-10.

Followed by:-

(1) 'The Statutes.. of oure late Souveraigne Kinge.. Henrye the 8' for ordering and governing his Privy Chamber, 17 Henry VIII. Reference (fol.81) to the report of Sir Richard Blunt on the Gentlemen Ushers Office of the Privy Chamber, temp. Edw. VI. fols. 72-84v;-

(2) Form of oath administered by Drue Drury, Gentleman Usher of the Queen's Privy Chamber, 1 Eliz. fols. 84v-5.
James I (1566-1625), King of Great Britain and Ireland
Previous reference number(s)
Archival history
Owned by Thomas Martin of Palgrave, signature, fol. 1v.