'A true report of sundry memorable Accidents befalling Mr Daniell Archdeacon..'
Reference code
'A true report of sundry memorable Accidents befalling Mr Daniell Archdeacon..'
Level of description
Extent and format
Paper; ff. ii + 28.
Brown leather spine, with marbled boards; leather panel, lettered in gilt on the front cover. Owned by Peter Le Neve, Norroy, early 18th century; his title page and signature, fol. 1, and notes throughout. Bookplate of Thomas Morell, DD FRS, FAS (1703-84), fol. ii. Label on the front cover, ‘1102'.
Brown leather spine, with marbled boards; leather panel, lettered in gilt on the front cover. Owned by Peter Le Neve, Norroy, early 18th century; his title page and signature, fol. 1, and notes throughout. Bookplate of Thomas Morell, DD FRS, FAS (1703-84), fol. ii. Label on the front cover, ‘1102'.
Scope and content
An account of events conc. Daniel Archdeacon, an Italian fencing master, and Francis Moubray, a Scotsman, whom he had accused of treason, the judicial combat arranged to settle their dispute, but postponed owing to the appearance of witnesses against Moubray, Moubray's death while attempting to escape from Edinburgh Castle, etc.
The account is said (title, fol. 2) to have been written first in French by a friend of Daniel Archdeacon. Anagram of Archdeacon's name under the title, 'Ha one recal'd can die'; motto 'Veritas odium pavit' beneath this. Letter of presentation to James I, fol. 3. The main text is addressed to a friend; the date, London, 10 September 1603 ('stilo novo') and subscription 'Yor very affectionate ffreind A D. G.' are given at the end, fol. 28v.
Included (fols. 23v-4v) is a copy of Letters Patent of James I (as James VI of Scotland), 14 Feb. 1603, granting an annual pension of 900 Scottish marks to Daniel Archdeacon. The present work is apparently an attempt to obtain payment of this pension after the accession of James I to the throne of England. The very brief summary of these events in Robert Johnston, Historia rerum Britannicarum (Amsterdam, 1655) does not give Archdeacon's name. See also CSPD Eliz. 1601-3, 249, 264, 268, 290.
The account is said (title, fol. 2) to have been written first in French by a friend of Daniel Archdeacon. Anagram of Archdeacon's name under the title, 'Ha one recal'd can die'; motto 'Veritas odium pavit' beneath this. Letter of presentation to James I, fol. 3. The main text is addressed to a friend; the date, London, 10 September 1603 ('stilo novo') and subscription 'Yor very affectionate ffreind A D. G.' are given at the end, fol. 28v.
Included (fols. 23v-4v) is a copy of Letters Patent of James I (as James VI of Scotland), 14 Feb. 1603, granting an annual pension of 900 Scottish marks to Daniel Archdeacon. The present work is apparently an attempt to obtain payment of this pension after the accession of James I to the throne of England. The very brief summary of these events in Robert Johnston, Historia rerum Britannicarum (Amsterdam, 1655) does not give Archdeacon's name. See also CSPD Eliz. 1601-3, 249, 264, 268, 290.
Neve, Peter Le (1661-1729), herald and antiquary
Morell, Thomas (1703-1784), classical scholar, poet, librettist and antiquary
Morell, Thomas (1703-1784), classical scholar, poet, librettist and antiquary
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