Sermons, mostly by St Bernard
Reference code
Sermons, mostly by St Bernard
second half 12th century
Level of description
Extent and format
Vellum; ff. 215.
Leather binding, brown, modern.
Leather binding, brown, modern.
Scope and content
Sermons, mostly by St Bernard. Written in England. For full details see Ker, MMBL, I (1969), 297-9, from which the following summary is derived.
Five groups of which I, III, V are by St Bernard. As follows:- I. Nos. 1-26 (of Ker's list). Sermons, etc., by St Bernard. All printed in PL 183. fols. 1-53v;- II. Nos. 27-40. Fourteen sermons mostly by Robert Pullen, of which seven (32, 33, 36-40) are sermons 1, 3, 5, 10, 4, 14, 9 of those listed by F. Courtney, 'Cardinal Robert Pullen'. Analecta Gregoriana, 64 (1954), 35-5; three (27, 34, 35) occur with the above seven in BL, MS Royal 2 D.xxxvii; four (29-31, 35) are found in front of 'Sermones doctoris Roberti Pullani' in Lambeth Palace MSS 458 (29 attributed to St Bernard), and in Hereford Cathedral, MS O.ii. 8. Heading ascribes nos. 32-4 to St Bernard. Nos. 29, 32 printed in PL 171, cols. 942, 918. fols. 53v-89v;- III. Nos. 41-73. Sermons, etc., of St Bernard, all except six (45, 46, 51, 52, 70a, 72) printed in PL 183. fols. 89v-120v;- IV. Nos. 74-101. Twenty-eight sermons, etc. Four (75, 76, 100, 101) printed in PL 162, cols. 575, 579, 591, 592 (Ivo of Chartres). Three (78, 79, 91) attributed to St Bernard in Paris, Ste Genevieve MSS 1367, arts. 9a-c. fols. 121-66;- V. Nos. 102-12. Eleven sermons of St Bernard. Printed in PL 183. fols. 166-215. Small initials in gold, red, blue, green, etc., throughout. A few catchwords. Marginal notes, various dates. Later addition of a prayer to the Trinity, now just legible on fol. 215.
Five groups of which I, III, V are by St Bernard. As follows:- I. Nos. 1-26 (of Ker's list). Sermons, etc., by St Bernard. All printed in PL 183. fols. 1-53v;- II. Nos. 27-40. Fourteen sermons mostly by Robert Pullen, of which seven (32, 33, 36-40) are sermons 1, 3, 5, 10, 4, 14, 9 of those listed by F. Courtney, 'Cardinal Robert Pullen'. Analecta Gregoriana, 64 (1954), 35-5; three (27, 34, 35) occur with the above seven in BL, MS Royal 2 D.xxxvii; four (29-31, 35) are found in front of 'Sermones doctoris Roberti Pullani' in Lambeth Palace MSS 458 (29 attributed to St Bernard), and in Hereford Cathedral, MS O.ii. 8. Heading ascribes nos. 32-4 to St Bernard. Nos. 29, 32 printed in PL 171, cols. 942, 918. fols. 53v-89v;- III. Nos. 41-73. Sermons, etc., of St Bernard, all except six (45, 46, 51, 52, 70a, 72) printed in PL 183. fols. 89v-120v;- IV. Nos. 74-101. Twenty-eight sermons, etc. Four (75, 76, 100, 101) printed in PL 162, cols. 575, 579, 591, 592 (Ivo of Chartres). Three (78, 79, 91) attributed to St Bernard in Paris, Ste Genevieve MSS 1367, arts. 9a-c. fols. 121-66;- V. Nos. 102-12. Eleven sermons of St Bernard. Printed in PL 183. fols. 166-215. Small initials in gold, red, blue, green, etc., throughout. A few catchwords. Marginal notes, various dates. Later addition of a prayer to the Trinity, now just legible on fol. 215.
Clairvaux, Bernard of (1090-1153), Saint, Cistercian monk and author
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