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Acropolis; coins; French cathedrals; Venice; Oxford, etc.

Reference code
Acropolis; coins; French cathedrals; Venice; Oxford, etc.
May-October 1887
Level of description
Extent and format
1 volume
Small black leather bound notebook (“J. Henry Middleton [4] – 709/14”)
Scope and content
Ink and pencil sketches, some with watercolour, of church and domestic architecture, art, and archaeological objects.

Some drawings include measurements and additional notes written in English, Latin, and Greek.

Includes two indices (front half, back half) which corresponds to the pages he numbered individually and the directional change.

Index (1) provided by Middleton (“Medieval end”) has been expanded to include more detail. Notebook includes notes and/or drawings of:
pp 1-7: Museum of Casts, Trocadero, Paris
pp 8-9: Verona church roofs
pp 10-12: S. Giacomo dall’Orio, Venice
pp 13: St Mary’s, Scarborough
pp 14: Venetian chimney
pp 15: Tomb of Andrea Dandolo, St. Mark’s Baptistery
pp 16-18: Details of St. Mark’s
pp 19: Old design of St. Mark’s
pp 20-21: Gentile Bellini’s Procession of the Cross picture
pp 22: Doge’s Palace; insert from Society of Antiquaries
pp 23-27: Venetian sculpture; Doge’s Palace
pp 28-31: Plans of St. Mark’s, Venice
pp 32-38: Oxford Cathedral
pp 39: New College, Oxford
pp 40-46: Torcello Cathedral, Venice
pp 47: Murano Cathedral, Venice
pp 48-49: Eastern churches like St. Mark’s (Church of St. Demetrius, Thessalonica; St. George’s, Thessalonica)
pp 50-53: Malvern Priory (see pasted image on interior front cover of notebook)
pp 54-59: St. Mark’s, Venice
pp 60-62: Pala d’Oro, St. Mark’s, Venice
pp 63: Apse at Torcello Cathedral, Venice
pp 64-65: Miscellaneous Venetian architecture
pp 66: Fra Giocondo of Verona
pp 67: Miscellaneous Venetian architecture
pp 68-69: Fondaco; Fondaco de’Tedeschi
pp 70: Roman bricks
pp 71: Talley Abbey, Llandelio, Wales
pp 72: St. Fosca, Torcello, Venice
pp 73: Llanbadarn Church, near Aberystwith, Wales
pp 75: Tomb at Langs (July 1887)
pp 76: Blank page
pp 77: Pasted image (“see p.13” - St. Mary’s Scarborough)
pp 78-80: Skipness Castle, Tarbert
pp 81: Old Church at Skipness, Tarbert
pp 82: Pasted notes “Corrody”; “Tanridge Priory, Surrey”
pp 83: Tarbert Castle, Scotland (July 30, 1887)
pp 84-86: Rothsay/Rothesay Castle, Isle of Bute (July 30, 1887)
pp 87-89: Thaxted Church, Essex (August 12, 1887)
pp 90: Hoxham Hall, Essex (August 12, 1887)
pp 91: Chapel at Stourbridge (Fair) (August 14, 1887)
pp 92-93: Tilty Church, Essex (August 12, 1887)
pp 94-96: St. Mary’s Church, Cambridge
pp 97: Jackson ‘Dalmatia and Istria’ on Venetian architecture
pp 98: Monastery of Clairvaux
pp 99: Hospital in Salisbury
pp 100: Cistercian chorus conversorum
pp 101: St. Edmund’s Shrine (“see Jocelin’s Chron.”)
pp 102-104: Bond ‘Chron. Mon. de Melsa’ “(Meaux, Yorks”)
pp 105: Hours of offices
pp 106-107: St. George from ‘The Virgin and Child with Saints’ by Pisanello at National Gallery, London
pp 108: Early woodwork
pp 109: Monastic barn at Southam (September 5, 1887)
pp 110: Stoles
pp 111: ‘A Group of Four Poor Clares’ by Lorenzetti at National Gallery, London (September 14, 1887)
pp 112: Egyptian textiles
pp 113: Vestment closet at Cathedral of Las Palmas, Grand Canary
pp 114-115: Plan of screens at Fountain’s Abbey, Ripon
pp 116: Chimere; the Rochet

Index (2) provided by Middleton (“Classical end”) has been expanded to include more detail. Notebook includes notes and/or drawings of:
pp 1: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens
pp 2: Acropolis, Athens
pp 3: Parabolic curves of the Doric Echinus
pp 4: Cicero ‘De Republica’
pp 5-7: Early Greek coin alphabets
pp 8: Artists’ names on coins
pp 9: Chronological classification of coins
pp 10: Blank page
pp 11: Horned or round barrows
pp 12-13: Rock-cut chambers, Cyprus
pp 14-15: Numerals and coin values
pp 16: Early Greek numerals
pp 17: Babylon heavy and light mina
pp 18: Birth of Athene – “Zeus in female dress”
pp 19: Persian enamelled reliefs at Louvre, Paris
pp 20: Windows of pierced marble at the Amphitheatre at Pola
pp 21: Roman gate at Treves
pp 22: see page 116 from Index 1
pp 23: Forms of Iron Age pottery found in Spain

Numbered 20 by Middleton.
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), archaeologist and antiquary
Previous reference number(s)
MS 709