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Greek coins; Westminster Palace; English domestic architecture; Celtic churches

Reference code
Greek coins; Westminster Palace; English domestic architecture; Celtic churches
Level of description
Extent and format
1 volume
Small black leather bound notebook (“J. Henry Middleton [6] – 709/12”)
Scope and content
Ink and pencil sketches of church architecture and archaeological objects.

Some drawings include measurements and additional notes written in English.

Includes two indices (front half, back half) which corresponds to the pages he numbered individually and the directional change.

Index (1) provided by Middleton (“Medieval end”) has been expanded to include more detail. Notebook includes notes and/or drawings of:
pp 2: Vetusa Monumenta VI – “Slothards’ drawings made for Soc. Ant.”, “Palace of Westminster burnt in 1834”
pp 3-7: Westminster Palace (“Henry III 1216-1272”)
pp 8: St Stephen’s Chapel
pp 9: Notes on Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Caste of Winchester, Palace of Woodstock and Guildeford Castle
pp 10: Notes on Palace of Clarendon, Northampton Castle, and Nottingham Castle
pp 10-13: Notes on Henry III
pp 14: Westminster Abbey
pp 15: Prehistoric town
pp 16: Round chapel in Ludlow Castle
pp 17: Incised effigies at Brading Ch., Isle of Wight
pp 18: Incised monumental effigies in England
pp 19-20: Notes on Cistercian rule
pp 21: S. Wendreda in March: Cambridge
pp 22: Painter’s and smith’s guilds
pp 23-25: Giotto’s reliefs “Gospel of Labour”
pp 26: Medieval mosaics
pp 27-34: Medieval houses and building in England
pp 35-36: Nestorian Patriarchal Church “(cf. Coptic)”
pp 37: Saxon ballaster columns
pp 38: Saxon Church, Bradford on Avon
pp 39: Beam and arch from Greek, Roman and Romanesque periods
pp 40: Early painters in England
pp 41-22: Improvements made by Henry III
pp 43: Inclusion of Anker life in 13th century
pp 44: 13th century house plans
pp 45: Icomb Place, Glostershire
pp 46: Notes on monks
pp 47-48: Dominicans – Bristol priory
pp 49: Blank page
pp 50-54: Early Celtic church, Scotland
pp 55: Blank page
pp 56: Brixworth Church, Northants (page pasted in)
pp 57: Gilds
pp 58-60: Gilds of Bristol and Chantries
pp 61-65: Inventories of S. Stephens, London
pp 66: Duties of Sexton clerks
pp 67: Altars
pp 68: Early baptisteries and basilicas
pp 69: Blank page
pp 70-72: Celtic churches of Cornwall
pp 73: Blank page
pp 74-78: Celtic churches of Ireland
pp 79: English service books
pp 80: Saxon and Celtic MSS at Durham
pp 81: Post-reformation churches and inventories
pp 82: Medieval architects’ drawings
pp 83: Gradus chori and presbyterii
pp 84-87: Piscinae “Ecclesiol V. 329”
pp 88: Pattern weaving in India and Japan
pp 89: Sugar in 1604
pp 90: Wax tapers
pp 91: St Leonard’s Church, Bledington
pp 92-94: Gild of Marshalls and smiths in York
pp 95-96: Notes on Spanish era
pp 97-98: 4th century Roman inscription Africa (Jan. 1887)
pp 99: Blank page
pp 100: Relic found in altar at Roche Abbey
pp 101-102: Carthusian plan house
pp 103: Pix-cloth at Hassett Church
pp 104-107: Long Melford Church, Suffolk (includes pages pasted in)
pp 108: Vesta’s fire; Bible’s in Churches
pp 109: Ancient Greek textiles
pp 110-112: Egyptian woven stuffs
pp 113: Donatello’s monuments in Rome
pp 114: Inventory from King’s College
pp 115: Sacred Paschal fire
pp 116-123: Hildesheim and Bp. Bernward
pp 124: Piscina with sliding wooden lid
pp 125: Doges Pal., Venice
pp 126: Brick spires in Venice and Milan

Index (2) provided by Middleton (“Classical end”) has been expanded to include more detail. Notebook includes notes and/or drawings of:
pp 1: Greek and Roman house
pp 2: Romano-British mosaic pavements
pp 3: Greek coin-die and omphalos
pp 4: Greek books; writings on Babylon
pp 5: Roman houses
pp 6: Vestal fire; Dorische Polychrome; buildings of Justinian
pp 7-9: Greek imperial coins
pp 10: Mourning colours; omphalos
pp 11: Discobolus statue
pp 12: Roman coins with values on them
pp 13-14: Graeco-Egyptian bronze figure with gold inlay; notes from “Exhibit. At Soc. Ant. March 1887”

Numbered 18 by Middleton.
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), archaeologist and antiquary
Previous reference number(s)
MS 709