Rome, Florence, etc.; Louvre collections; Abbey Dore and other English and Welsh locations
Rome, Florence, etc.; Louvre collections; Abbey Dore and other English and Welsh locations
1 volume
Small maroon leather bound notebook (“J. Henry Middleton [13] – 709/8”)
Small maroon leather bound notebook (“J. Henry Middleton [13] – 709/8”)
Pencil sketches, some with watercolour paint, of domestic and church architecture as well as museum objects. About a third to half of this notebook is notes and museum objects (some of which are listed with a price)
Some drawings include measurements and additional notes, written in English, Latin and Greek.
No index written by Middleton, but notebook includes drawings and/or notes of:
S.Maria Maggiore in the Sagrestia de Beneficiati
Lateran Baptistery
St Peter’s “by Ant. Filarete and Simone di Ghini”
S[an] Cesareo
Tombs of Scipio
Notes on temples from “Burn. p.117, see Labacco – Arch.”
Tullianum “and prison over it” [also known as Mamertine Prison]
Branante’s Church of S.Lorenzo “in Damaso in the Cancelleria Palace”
Notes on Villa Farnesina
Villa Appia and tomb
Objects from Vatican
Gozzini - Monumenti Sep. Della Toscana by Ben Rosoellini
Notes on “Leonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the rock in Nat. Gal.”
Nero’s aqueduct “arch over road near Porta Maggiore”
Quattro Santi Coronati
Ara Coeli Church
Extensive notes on art “March 1885 on way back to Engl. – Louvre” (“Assos in Mysia”, “copy of painting of Orpheus and Eurydice”, “Apollo from Octium”, “Sacro relief”, “Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus”, “Victory of Samothrace”, “Raphael’s S. George”, plaster figures, terra-cotta figures, plaques)
“Roman lead coffin… found Aug. 5 1887 at Colchester” (“see Proc. Soc. An. Vol. XII p.43 – 1887 – 8”)
Beckford Church near Tewksbury
Postlip Church, Gloucestershire
Notes “Della Robbia” (SKM)
Scepter “from Treasure of Abbey of S. Denis”
“See Anderson, Scotland in Early Xtian Times, Edum 1881”
“See Stokes, Early Xtian Architecture in Ireland 1878”
Notes on seals from British Museum
Abbey Dore
Llantony Abbey
Marley Church, Hereford.
“Oak porch by the Wye, Hereford.”
Abergavnny Church Priory of St Mary
Peter Church “from Warwickshire (near Stratford)”
Halifax Parish Church (1885)
Beckford Church, Gloucstershire
Mayor’s Chapel St. Marks, Bristol
Beverley Minster
“Brera – Milan – Piero dello Francesca”
Ducal Palace, Venice
Notes on “En[?] Brit. Vol. 24 (last) not pub.d until Nov. 1888”
Kensington Palace (May 31, 1885)
Saxon Tower at Barnack
Notes on “Book on Rome”
“Work done for Encyclopaedia Britannica 1883”
Tomb of Sir Francis Vere, Westminster
General arrangement “in Early churches in England, 8th to 10th century and earlier”
Unidentified lists and notes in the last few pages of notebook.
Numbered 9 by Middleton.
Some drawings include measurements and additional notes, written in English, Latin and Greek.
No index written by Middleton, but notebook includes drawings and/or notes of:
S.Maria Maggiore in the Sagrestia de Beneficiati
Lateran Baptistery
St Peter’s “by Ant. Filarete and Simone di Ghini”
S[an] Cesareo
Tombs of Scipio
Notes on temples from “Burn. p.117, see Labacco – Arch.”
Tullianum “and prison over it” [also known as Mamertine Prison]
Branante’s Church of S.Lorenzo “in Damaso in the Cancelleria Palace”
Notes on Villa Farnesina
Villa Appia and tomb
Objects from Vatican
Gozzini - Monumenti Sep. Della Toscana by Ben Rosoellini
Notes on “Leonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the rock in Nat. Gal.”
Nero’s aqueduct “arch over road near Porta Maggiore”
Quattro Santi Coronati
Ara Coeli Church
Extensive notes on art “March 1885 on way back to Engl. – Louvre” (“Assos in Mysia”, “copy of painting of Orpheus and Eurydice”, “Apollo from Octium”, “Sacro relief”, “Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus”, “Victory of Samothrace”, “Raphael’s S. George”, plaster figures, terra-cotta figures, plaques)
“Roman lead coffin… found Aug. 5 1887 at Colchester” (“see Proc. Soc. An. Vol. XII p.43 – 1887 – 8”)
Beckford Church near Tewksbury
Postlip Church, Gloucestershire
Notes “Della Robbia” (SKM)
Scepter “from Treasure of Abbey of S. Denis”
“See Anderson, Scotland in Early Xtian Times, Edum 1881”
“See Stokes, Early Xtian Architecture in Ireland 1878”
Notes on seals from British Museum
Abbey Dore
Llantony Abbey
Marley Church, Hereford.
“Oak porch by the Wye, Hereford.”
Abergavnny Church Priory of St Mary
Peter Church “from Warwickshire (near Stratford)”
Halifax Parish Church (1885)
Beckford Church, Gloucstershire
Mayor’s Chapel St. Marks, Bristol
Beverley Minster
“Brera – Milan – Piero dello Francesca”
Ducal Palace, Venice
Notes on “En[?] Brit. Vol. 24 (last) not pub.d until Nov. 1888”
Kensington Palace (May 31, 1885)
Saxon Tower at Barnack
Notes on “Book on Rome”
“Work done for Encyclopaedia Britannica 1883”
Tomb of Sir Francis Vere, Westminster
General arrangement “in Early churches in England, 8th to 10th century and earlier”
Unidentified lists and notes in the last few pages of notebook.
Numbered 9 by Middleton.
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), archaeologist and antiquary
MS 709
MS 709