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Churches in Glos., Norf., etc.; Tiryns, Mycenae; Italy; National Gallery

Reference code
Churches in Glos., Norf., etc.; Tiryns, Mycenae; Italy; National Gallery
Level of description
Extent and format
1 volume
Small black leather bound notebook (“J. Henry Middleton [9] – 709/6”)
Scope and content
Pencil and ink sketches, some with watercolour paint, of church and domestic architecture and art history artefacts.

Some drawings include measurements and additional notes, written in English, Latin and Greek.

Index provided by Middleton (back of notebook) has been expanded to include more detail. Notebook includes notes and/or drawings of:
pp 1-2: Hospital in High Wycombe that was converted into a grammar school, Buckinghamshire or Chipping (Nov 18, 81)
pp 3-6: All Saints Church in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire (Nov 18, 81)
pp 7: High Wycombe Town Hall “(1757)” (Nov 18, 81)
pp 8-12: Oddington Church in Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire (Nov 22, 81)
pp 12: Bredon Barn, Worcestershire
pp 13: Deerhurst Church, Gloucestershire
pp 14-16: St Mary de Crypt, Gloucestershire
pp 17-20: Church of S. Edmund, King and Martyr of Wootton Church, Isle of Wight (20-21 Dec, 1881)
pp 21-29: Blythburgh Church of the Holy Trinity (1442-73), Suffolk (Jan 28, 1882)
pp 29-35: Rattlesden Church, Suffolk (Jan 29, 1882
pp 35-36: Stow Market Church, Norfolk
pp 36: Church of S. Nicholas, North Waltham
pp 37-42: Knapton Church, Norfolk (Jan 30, 82)
pp 43-46: Trunch Church, Norfolk (Jan 30, 82)
pp 47-48: Norwich Cathedral [Norfolk]
pp 49-51: Deopham Church, Norfolk (Jan 31, 82)
pp 52-54: Wymondham Church, Norfolk (“called Abbot Ferrar’s Monument, date 1548”)
pp 55: North and South Reppo Churches, Norfolk
pp 56-57: Randworth Church, Norfolk
pp 58: Blank page
pp 59-60: Inglesham Church of the Baptist, near Lechlade
pp 61-63: Meriden Church, Coventry
pp 64: Blank page
pp 65: house in Soho
pp 66: panelled room in St Martin’s Lane
pp 67-68: St. Botolph’s Church, Colchester (June 3, 82)
pp 69-72: Mark’s Tey Church, Essex (May 13, 82) (“P.Webb & JHM”)
pp 73: notes on a a painting titled “Henry VII 1505 – aged 48” by Flemish, National Gallery
pp 73-74: St. Marteriana Tintagel Church, Cornwall (“Sir Maclean’s – Tugg Minor Vol. 111- 9l LIX”)
pp 75-78: All Saints English Bicknor Church, Forest of Dean (May 20, 1882)
pp 79-82: All Saints Staunton Church, Forest of Dean (May 22, 82)
pp 83-87: Newland Church of All Saints (May 22, 82)
pp 88-91: Copford Church, Essex (June 4, 82)
pp 92-96: Layer Marney Church, Essex (June 5, 1882)
pp 97-98: town of Coggeshall and Coggeshall Church, Essex (June 5, 82)
pp 99-100: Worth Church “(Saxon)”, Sussex (June 25, 1882)
pp 101: Blank page
pp 102: Chapel in Kingston on Thames converted into a grammar school
pp 103: Peterborough Tower [also known as Longthrope Tower]
pp 104-105: Marston Church
pp 106: notes on a chalice, National Gallery
pp 107: notes on roof tiles, Temple of Apollo, Bassae
pp 108: Silver boss, cup and bowl
pp 109-110: Terra-cotta moldings, Treasure House of Gela, Olympia
pp 111: Clay tiles (Olympia) and clay loom (“found at Troy”) (“See Schliemann, Adler and Dorpfeld, Tiryns Eng. Ed. London 1886”)
pp 112-118: Notes on Tiryns, including a drawing of a site noted as “excavated 1884-85”
pp 119-120: notes on “Treasury of Minyas at Orchemenus in Boaetia”
pp 121: Roman bronze stop-cock, bronze rose for water, bronze vases from Calaxidi near Delphi
pp 122: Cyprus, including terra-cotta stamp and vases (“Cesnola, Salaminia, London, 1882”)
pp 123: notes on “English early water-colours”
pp 124: notes on fire hearths at Greek Pyrtaneum and Dion. Dendrites
pp 125-126: notes on Archaic statues (“found in Feb 1886 on the Acropolis, Athens”) and terra-cotta (“plaque 18 sq. In Museum of Athens) (Feb 27, 1886)
pp 127-128: notes on Schliemann’s Mycenae (“Quart. Rev. Vol. 145, p.62”)
No pp: notes on Mycenae: architecture, art, animals, and burials
No pp: notes on Cyprus “(Quart. Rev, 146, p.414)”
No pp: notes on art works “School of Giotto”, “Ass. Of Virgin by Matteo di Giov.[anni]” and “Orcagna”, National Gallery
No pp: notes on “article on the Vestals and their sacred fire by J.G. Frazier in the Journal of Philosophy, XVI, no.28” and “similar fire kept up in the Greek Prytaneum: see notebook 15”; notes on “triptych of Justus of Padua (Nat. Gal.)”
No pp: notes on “Redtenbacher, Archictur der Hal. Renaissance, Frankford, 1886” and “Saglio, Dict. Des Antiquites grecques et romaines”
No pp: “Nat. Gal. 598 S. Francis in Glory Room XIII”
No pp: “Vaughn Eaton - Picture frame – Old Hahan details in full”

Numbered 14 by Middleton.
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), archaeologist and antiquary
Previous reference number(s)
MS 709