Correspondence of Richard Gough with Rev. Samuel Pegge
Reference code
Correspondence of Richard Gough with Rev. Samuel Pegge
Level of description
Extent and format
ff. v + 490.
Half leather binding, red, with marbled boards.
Half leather binding, red, with marbled boards.
Scope and content
Correspondence of the Rev. Samuel Pegge (1704-96), LL.D, FSA, and Richard Gough, 1772-96 (fols. 64-420v passim), with many letters of Pegge to John Nichols, c. 1772-95 (fols. 63, 180-419 passim) and Pegge's correspondence with Emmanuel Mendes Da Costa, 1757-62 (fols. 44, 49, 51, 53, 54, 60). Also includes letters from Samuel Pegge to Dr John Taylor, LL.D, Chancellor of the diocese of Lincoln, 1756 (printed in Gent. Mag., June 1756) (fol. 42), Dr Ducarel, 1757 (fols. 55, 57), the Rev. Davies, 1759 (fol. 58), William Bowyer, 1768 (fol. 62), George Allan, 1780-95 (fols. 184, 276, 321, 417), Mr Newlin, 1786 (fol. 230), Marmaduke Cuthbert Tunstall, 1787 (fol. 246). Other contents:- Copies of letters of Paul Gemsege (Samuel Pegge), 1757 (Gent. Mag., July 1757) (fol. 46), and the Rev. P. Cunningham to Pegge, 1778 (printed in Parentalia, see fols. 40v-1v), with verses occasioned by the Revolution Jubilee at Whittington (where Pegge was rector) and Chesterfield (fol. 271); note by Richard Gough to Dr Burn, n.d. (fol. 103); letter of Edward Goodwin to Nichols ('Mr Urban') with a contribution to the Gent. Mag. (fol. 299). With letters from members of Pegge's family mostly to John Nichols:- Samuel Pegge, junior (1733-1800), to John Nichols, 1783-1800 (fols. 213, 274, 390-474 passim), George Allan, 1796 (fols. 430, 434, 438) and Richard Gough, 1797 (fols. 452-4, 456); Mrs Goodeth Pegge, widow of Samuel Pegge, junior, to Nichols, 1801, 1803 (fols. 475, 476, 478) and draft reply from Nichols, 1803 (fol. 479); Sir Christopher Pegge, grandson of the Rev. Samuel Pegge, to John Nichols, 1807-18 (fols. 480-9).
Printed material:- Parentalia: or, Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Pegge compiled by his son (fols. 2-41v) used by Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, VI (1812), 224-59. Engraved portrait, 1818, of the Rev. Samuel Pegge (by Philip Audinet after Elias Needham), fol. v.
Printed material:- Parentalia: or, Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Pegge compiled by his son (fols. 2-41v) used by Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, VI (1812), 224-59. Engraved portrait, 1818, of the Rev. Samuel Pegge (by Philip Audinet after Elias Needham), fol. v.
Pegge, Samuel (1704-1796), clergyman and antiquary
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