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prattinton/10/07/01 - A Correspondence between the Right Honourable Lord Northwick, and the Reverend William Boughton and the Reverend John Robert Hall … [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/02 - Experiments and Observations on the Malvern Waters [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/03 - Malvern. A poem &c. [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/04 - A letter to the Rev. S. Picart, A. M., Rector of Hartlebury, &c., on his proposed plan for taking down, enlarging, & rebuilding, the Parish Church [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/05 - Plain truth, in a plain dress: or, short admonition to the middle ranks of Great Britain and Ireland [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/06 - Marriages, baptisms and burials at Somerset House chapel [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/07 - An historical and descriptive account of the Siamese Twin Brothers, from actual observations … [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/08 - A letter to the Kidderminster Carpet Weavers, by their native townsman, the Rev. H. Price [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/09 - A letter to the Kidderminster Carpet Weavers, by their native townsman, the Rev. H. Price [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/10 - Observations on a resolution passed by A Meeting of the Trustees of the Kidderminster Turnpike Roads, on the 6th of January, 1830 … [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/11 - A Brief Memoir of the Life and Death of Miss Schroder, late of the Parish of St Clement's, in the City of Worcester [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/12 - An Address to the Trustees of the Kidderminster Turnpike Roads … [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/13 - The Case of the Right Honourable Thomas Winnington, Esq; &c. [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/14 - The Case of the Right Honourable Thomas Winnington, Esq; &c. [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/15 - A Letter to Dr Thomason in Answer to the Case of the Right Honourable Thomas Winnington, Esq. [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/16 - An Essay on the Use of the Ganglions of the Nerves [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/17 - Short Instructions for Collecting Shells, &c. &c. [View Details]
prattinton/10/07/18 - A Letter to William Lawrence, Esq. FRS on the Nature and Causes of Intellectual Life and the Mind [View Details]