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prattinton/10/06/01 - The Safety of a good Prince, the Joy of a grateful People. A Sermon preached to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Dudley, Nov. 20, 1743 [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/02 - Two charges delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Worcester, in the years 1763 and 1766: being designed as preservatives against the sophistical arts of the Papists, and the delusions of the Methodists [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/03 - Ridicule, so far as it affects Religion, Consider'd and Censur'd. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, Decemb. 8. 1734 [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/04 - Two sermons formerly preach'd in the cathedral-church of Worcester, by a late prebendary of the said church [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/05 - A sermon preached November V, 1673, at St. Margarets Westminst. [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/06 - A sermon concerning sins of omission preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, on March 18th, 1693/4, being Midlent-Sunday [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/07 - Halting stigmatiz’d in a sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons on the monthly fast day, Octob. 25. 1643. at Margaret’s Westminster [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/08 - A sermon preached at the opening of the General Infirmary at Hull, on Wednesday the first of September, 1784 [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/09 - True Compassion exemplified in the Institution of publick Infirmaries. A sermon preached in the Cathedral-Church of Worcester, July 26. 1770… [View Details]
prattinton/10/06/10 - The Blessings of Civil Liberty and Social Order, Illustrated. A sermon, preached before James Moseley, M.D. chairman, and the Ludlow Loyal Society, on Monday, April 12th, 1793, in the parish church of St. Lawrence, in Ludlow [View Details]