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prattinton/10/10/001 - Index to the series of theological tracts [PRA/10/10] [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/002 - “Earthquakes Explained and Practically Improved…” by Thomas Doolittle [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/003 - “A serious and earnest call to repentance …” by Robert Gentleman [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/004 - “A Plain Form of Christian Worship…” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/005 - “The Grand Inquiry, Am I in Christ or not? …” by Benjamin Fawcett [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/006 - “A letter to the Rev R Foley MA …” by B Carpenter [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/007 - “A letter to Dr Priestley &c.” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/008 - “A Remonstrance addressed to the Protestant Association …” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/009 - “Truth and Day-Light: Desired to be Ascribed to the Great God…” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/010 - “A letter to the Roman Catholics of the City of Worcester …” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/011 - “A few remarks on an address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America …" [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/012 - “A defence of the clergy of the Church of England in a letter to the Rev. William Jesse …” [View Details]
prattinton/10/10/013 - “A few remarks on an address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America …" [View Details]