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Statements of Account 1846-1912

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Statements of Account 1846-1912
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Box of records relating to the accounts of the Society, including:

-Special report from the Auditors for the year 1846 12pp:
�The Accounts of the Society of Antiquaries for the year 1846 appearing to embrace a Receipt and Expenditure far exceeding the usual average amount the Auditors feel called upon to close their duties by a special report for the information of the Council and the Fellows.� The new President had carried out a review of the Society�s position and during that it came to light there were significant unrecorded liabilities, amounting to circa �4,000. This was due to the fact that cash accounting had previously been used, looking only at cash received and payments made, rather than liabilities entered into-e.g. Publications agreed to but not yet paid for. The debts were cleared in 1846, leading to a significant reduction in assets in the year.

- Receipt from C Knight Watson June 1 1880 (2pp, original plus a copy). Relates to two manuscripts borrowed from Ashburnham Place to allow drawings to be made of the Covers of one manuscript and transcripts of portions of the 2nd manuscript.

-List of subscriptions due 25 Dec 1846 10pp
Receipts, Subscriptions, Disbursements 1847 5pp
Income and Expenditure Account and Stocks & Investment 1892-1899
Balance Sheet & Income and Expenditure Account 1902
Receipts & Payments, Fund Accounts, Lists of Investments-1903-1912
Society of Antiquaries of London