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Transcripts and notes on various antiquities, manuscripts etc.

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Transcripts and notes on various antiquities, manuscripts etc.
1718-mid-18th century, with later additions
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Extent and format
ff. iv + 226.
Half leather binding, brown, with marbled boards. Miscellaneous London notes, fol. iv.
Scope and content
Transcripts, notes and extracts by early officers and Fellows of SA conc. antiquities, pictures, MSS, etc., some derived from Stukeley's book (SAL/10/03) with added information. Many pen and wash illustrations. Many items are transcribed by Dr William Stukeley and some by Alexander Gordon, Sec. SA 1735-41. Other hands include Dr Michael Lort (a few notes). Contents:-

(1) Copy of the original rules of SA, 1 Jan. 1718 (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 73-1 reversed). fols. 1-2;-

(2) Account of the life of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (d. 1439), from BL MS Cotton Julius E.iv. fol. 3r, v;-

(3) Extracts from Dr Kennett's collections conc. Bishops Manningham and Nicholson. fol. 4r, v;-

(4) List of catalogues (15) of sales of the library of Thomas Rawlinson, 4 Dec. 1721-13 Nov. 1732. fol. 5r;-

(5) Notes on the barometer, giant hailstones, etc. fol. 5v;-

(6) William Lambard and his family by George Vertue. fol. 6r, v;-

(7) Roman antiquities. Account of finds, with locations and pen and wash drawings, 1713-22 (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 5v-7, 17, 20v, 22, 26v, 40-1). fols. 7-9v;-

(8) List of manuscripts relating to British history, with names of owners (many owned by Peter Le Neve, Norroy, PSA). Includes the Benedictional of St Ethelwold (now BL Add. MS 49598) said in an added note to have been given to the Duke of Devonshire by Bishop Compton's executors (see C. E. Wright, 'The Benedictional of St. Ethelwold and Bishop Henry Compton', The British Museum Quarterly, 27, no. 1-2 (1963), 3-5). fols. 10-11r (with an extract from a patent roll, 36 Edw. III, by 'GH' (?George Holmes, VPSA, fol. 11v);-

(9) Observations on magnets. fols. 12-13r;-

(10) List of sources extracted by the Oxford antiquary Brian Twyne (d. 1644). fol. 13v;-

(11) Form of excommunication (from the Textus Roffensis, Rochester Cathedral Library, MS A.35). fol. 14r, v;-

(12) Robin Hood's pedigree. fol. 15r;-

(13) Extract from a letter, 5 Apr. 1739, of Mr Johnson, counsel to the East India Council, on the great wealth of the Mogul Emperors, the sacking of Delhi, massacre, 1739. See also SAL/MS/262 (64), SAL/MS/264 B (68), SAL/MS/697. fol. 15v;-

(14) Note of MS transcripts of the Domesday Book, mentioning a complete transcript owned by Sir John Trevor, late Master of the Rolls (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 48v). fol. 16r;-

(15) Description of a collection of prints in seventeen volumes (impressions from the French royal collections), purchased by James West, with a copy of a note by J. de la Croix, 1703, on the value of the collection. fol. 16v;-

(16) Catalogue of letters in cypher deciphered by Dr John Wallis, given by him to the Bodleian Library (mostly intercepted royalist letters; now MS e. Mus. 203). fol. 17r, v;-

(17) Brief note on celts (preceding leaf, originally fol. 19, now wanting; cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 30v-1). fol. 18r;-

(18) List of MSS in Sir Thomas Sebright's library, with a short list of items belonging to John Anstis, 23 Dec. 1726. fols. 18v-19v;-

(19) Greek inscriptions and antiquities including a statue of Mercury found in the courtyard of Prince Garaffa (Carafa), Naples, by Alexander Gordon (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 51v). fol. 20r;-

(20) 'Engravings in Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiosum (1724). fols. 21-2;-

(21) English inscriptions, from monuments, etc. (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 4v, 25v, 34v, 52v). fol. 23r, v;-

(22) Names of courts of justice. fol. 24r, v;-

(23) Foundations in Oxford with names of heads of colleges. fol. 25r, v;-

(24) Form of a Turkish fast. fol. 26r, v;-

(25) Roman inscriptions (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 49). fol. 27r;-

(26) Extracts from a manuscript of the verse chronicle of John Hardyng (1378-1465?; sources include BL Lansdowne 204, formerly in the Cotton library), fols. 28-30r;-

(27) Modern inscriptions, from foundation stones, e.g. of Houghton Hall, 24 May 1722 (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 43v). fol. 31r, v;-

(28) Historical account of the city of Carlisle from records and MSS, made by the Rev. Hugh Todd, prebendary of Carlisle. fol. 32r, v;-

(29) Copy of a letter from John Bailey to Browne Willis, 11 Sept. 1739, conc. MSS of the Young family (including Patrick Young, royal librarian) acquired from the grandfather (John Young, DD., Dean of Winchester) of the writer's aunt. fol. 33r, v;-

(30) Account of the strange disturbance of mind of Francis Culham, surgeon of Lambeth, 1675, transcribed from a letter of Thomas Gale (Dean of York). fol. 34r;-

(31) Notes on Lord Pembroke's boustrophedon (Greek writing running alternately left and right), here considered to be a fake. fol. 34v;-

(32) Religious remains, found at Ilford, etc., 1724, with drawings (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 10v, 12v, 20). fol. 35r;-

(33) Preachers at the Feast of the Sons of the Clergy, 1655-1727. fol. 35v;-

(34) Description by Roger Gale of an ancient piece of plate found near Corbridge, Northumb., Feb. 1734/5 (the Corbridge lanx). See Minute Book II, 13 Mar. 1734/5, pp. 62-3. Archaeologia, 108 (1986), 32 (no. 23). fols. 36-7v;-

(35) Account of the Coventry and Warwick roll (compotus of the College of St Mary, Warwick, 5-6 Edw. IV), lent to the writer by Mr Hopkinson, bookseller, 21 June 1735. fol. 37v;-

(36) List of charters, with names of owners, fol. 38r;- (37) List of tesselated pavements in England, found 1667-1739 (not the same list as SAL/10/03, fol. 13). fol. 39r;-

(38) Copy of the will of Thomas Hearne, 1729 (mentions books and MSS bequeathed to William Bedford), with codicil, 1731. The will is printed in W. Huddesford, Lives (1772), I, App. III, 125-7. fol. 39v;-

(39) Anglo-Saxon MSS copied by William and Elizabeth Elstob. fol. 40r;-

(40) The best livings in each county in England. fol. 40v;-

(41) 'Rare Coins in some Cabinets I have seen'. Includes English coins owned by the Duke of Bridgwater, Archdeacon Sharp (Thomas Sharp, Archdeacon of Northumberland), Mr Grainger's collection, valued at £600, and others. fols. 41-2v;-

(42) List of deeds, with names of owners. fol. 43r, v;-

(43) Extracts from letters of Camillo Paderni to the painter Alan Ramsay, conc. statues, pictures, etc., found in a subterranean town (Herculaneum) at Portici, near Naples, 1739, 1740. Translated by Ramsey and sent to Dr John Ward, FRS, VPSA (1753). Minute Book IV, 19 June 1740, p. 7. fols. 44-5;-

(44) List of standing armies in Europe, 1728/9. fol. 46r;-

(45) Copy of Mr George's letter to the Earl of Hertford, PSA, conc. a Roman pavement discovered in Littlecott Park. fol. 47v;-

(46) Coins of Cassibelin and Cynobelin, with drawings, read by Maurice Johnson to the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, 1 Nov. 1739. fol. 48r, v;-

(47) 'Biblia Magna Doctorum Lovaniensium' (an edition of the polyglot bible printed by Christopher Plantin, Antwerp, valued at forty guineas). fol. 49r, v;-

(48) Copies of the will, 1739, of Thomas Baker, and deed of sale, 6 Dec. 1716, of his MSS to Lord Harley (Edward, later 2nd Earl of Oxford), with an inventory and note (relating to two extra volumes), 1719. See C. E. Wright, Fontes Harleiani (1972), 60. fols. 50-2v;-

(49) Civil establishment of Ireland, 1723. fols. 53-4v;-

(50) 'Physick'. Notes on doctors (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 28). fol. 55r;-

(51) Pictures at Cornbury House, Oxon., the seat of the Earl of Clarendon, 'taken by Mr Christian Augt: 1723'. "Mr Christian" is probably Charles Christian Reisen (1679-1725), gem engraver and a director of Sir Godfrey Kneller's Academy of Painting. He was generally known as Charles Christian rather than Reisen - see ODNB and George Vertue, Notebooks (Walpole Soc.), 3. 25-7. [Information supplied by Robert Harding FSA.] fol. 56r, v;-

(52) Extract from the register of St Martin's, Leicester, conc. signs made by a deaf and dumb man, Thomas Tilsy, at his marriage, 5 Feb. 18 Eliz. (1576). fol. 57v;-

(53) Seals, with owner's names and drawings (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 22v-3). fols. 58-9v;-

(54) Pictures at Houghton Hall, Norf., seat of Sir Robert Walpole, 8 July 1739. fols. 60-1;-

(55) List of autographs, with owners names, mostly owned by Peter Le Neve. fol. 62r;-

(56) Account of the revenues of the post office, 25 March 1690-25 March 1710. fol. 63r;-

(57) 'Museum Britannicum Historiale'. Catalogue of books on the history and antiquities of Great Britain by William Cooper, bookseller of London, 1676, extracted from the former Sloane MS A 240 (now BL Sloane MS 743). fols. 63v-4v;-

(58) Observations on the portrait of Richard II in Westminster Abbey by Roger Gale (fol. 65v), followed by a list of original portraits of kings of England and famous men (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 2, 8-9, 24v-5, 32v). fols. 65v-8v;-

(59) Extracts from a register of Dunstable (BL MS 1885, see Davis Cartularies (1958), no. 320), owned by Jonathan Cletherow, April 1714. fol. 69r;-

(60) Description of two votive groups, at Stafford House, of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York (here identified as Henry V and Queen Catherine), copied from the painting of St George now in the royal collections. See Proc., 2nd ser., 10 (1883-5), 9-12; O. Millar, The Tudor Stuart and early Georgian pictures in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen (1963), cat. no. 19, pl. I. fol. 70r;-

(61) List of Virtuosi in Italy, under places. fols. 70v-1;-

(62) Egyptian antiquities in England, with names of owners and drawings (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 31v-2). fols. 72v-3v;-

(63) Account of saleable wood in Leighfield forest, Rutland, from a MS in the library of the Earl of Westmorland, at Apethorp, Northants. fols. 74-6;-

(64) Statues and pictures at Wilton. fols. 77-9;-

(65) 'Icones Regiae Anglicae', consisting of a tabulated list of portraits, sculptures, seals, etc., from William I to William, Duke of Cumberland, second son of George II. Communicated to the Gentlemen's Society at Spalding, 24 Nov. 1737. fols. 80-3v;-

(66) Copy of an extract from a letter conc. Jews in Malabar, etc., c. 1722, from a gentleman who had lived for 32 years in the East Indies, including information from Myn Heer van Red, representative of the Dutch East India Company, and two rabbis. From a MS owned by the late Sir Thomas Frederick. fols. 84-5;-

(67) Saxon inscriptions (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 14). fol. 86r;-

(68) Roman antiquities, including notes on finds in England, 1717-23, and drawings (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 1r, v, 21, 22, 23v). fols. 87-8v;-

(69) 'On Fumigation'. Poems on the pleasures of smoking. The name of Hawkins Brownely is given at the top of fol. 89. fols. 89-90;-

(70) English views taken by Hollar, etc. (cf. SAL/10/03, fols. 29v-30). fols. 91v-3v;-

(71) Copy of a letter from Samuel Gale to Dr William Stukeley at Stamford, 2 Dec. 1729, conc. an ancient silver plate dug up in Rizely (Risley) Park near Dale Abbey, Derbs. Engraved by Van der Gucht (copy in Roger Gale's collection of engravings in SAL). See Minute Book II, 7 Apr. 1736, p. 175; description and sketch by Stukeley in Ants. Corr. and Papers (Stukeley Box, Vol. I); MSS/0268, fol. 75; C. Johns, 'The Risley Park Silver lanx: a lost antiquity from Roman Britain', A.J., 61 (1981), 53-72; Archaeologia, 108 (1986), 41-2 (no. 50); C. Johns, K. Painter, 'The Risley Park Lanx: Bauge, Bayeux, Buch or Britain' in F. Baratte (ed.), Orbis Romanus Christianusque: Travaux sur l'Antiquité Tardive Rassemblés autour des Recherches de Noël Duval (Paris, 1995), 175-89. fol. 94r;- (72) List of drawings, with owners. fols. 95r, v;-

(73) Copies of an account and a letter of Dr John Wallis relating to a Greek MS found at Buda (MSS/0048). fols. 96-8, 128-30;-

(74) Monumental inscriptions. fol. 100r;-

(75) Account of Roman pavements by 'S. C' (the Rev. Samuel Carte, see (86) below), particularly those discovered at Wellow, Somerset, 1737. fols. 101-3;-

(76) Some thoughts conc. the Deity (excerpt from a book). fols. 104-7v;-

(77) The Duke of Albemarle's rental, 26 July 1675. fols. 108-9;-

(78) List of works printed by Caxton. fols. 110-11v;-

(79) 'Of Hydes & Knights' Fees', from MS sources given. fol. 112r, v;-

(80) List of original letters to and from John Selden (1584-1654). fols. 113-14;-

(81) Bibliotheca Pepysiana. Summary description of the library of Samuel Pepys. fol. 115r;-

(82) Copy of a legal document relating to the will, 1705, of William Petyt, formerly Keeper of the Records in the Tower, and the proposal to deposit his books in the Inner Temple Library, 11 Feb. 1708/9. fols. 116-17r;-

(83) Short list of printed books. fol. 118r;-

(84) Discovery of ancient foundations, with some Roman coins, on land adjacent to the churchyard, at Leyton, Essex, 1718. fol. 119r, v;-

(85) Account of a Derby machine for working silk, and note of William Foxtey who slept for fourteen days, 1546. fol. 120v;-

(86) Extracts from letters of the Rev. Samuel Carte, rector of St Margaret's, Leicester, to Humfrey Wanley, 7 Aug. 1710 (printed in Phil. Trans., no. 331 (1711)) and John Bridges, conc. a tesselated pavement found 1675. fols. 121v, 123a, r, v;-

(87) Painted glass, in churches, including Fairford, Glos. (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 5). fol. 122r;-

(88) Copy of a letter from '?TC' to --, Lincoln, 17 May 1731, conc. the discovery of an ancient sepulchre. fol. 123r, v;-

(89) Short list of prints. fol. 124r;-

(90) Short list of paintings including a portrait of Bolton, the last prior of St Bartholomew's, burnt in the Cotton Library fire, 1731. fol. 125r;-

(91) 'The Jewish Curse' (form of words used for the excommunication of Spinoza, July 1656). fols. 126-7r;-

(92) Short list of sketches. fol. 131r;-

(93) Modern inventions (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 50v). fol. 132r;-

(94) Memorial on the principality of Scotland. fol. 133r;-

(95) Notes conc. the family of Ap Rees of Washingley, Hunts. fol. 134r;-

(96) Account of donations and purchases made (from SA Minute Book I). Mostly refers to prints and drawings but includes MSS/0067 (accounts of the overseers of the poor of St Clement Danes, 1616), presented by Stukeley, 23 May 1721 (Minute Book I, p. 44). fols. 135-6r;-

(97) Copy of a theatre bill advertising a variety of entertainments at the Opera House, Hay Market, and Robin's Great Theatrical Booth, Westminster, including a play of seven acts called 'Court and Country', 16 Jan. 1734/5, etc. fol. 137r;-

(98) 'Dr. Oldys' Argumt. about the Pirates'. Statement by Dr William Oldys before the Cabinet council conc. Englishmen and Irishmen acting under commission from James II, Sept. 1693 (Dr William Oldys, DCL, advocate of the Admiralty, was removed from office for his refusal to find these sailors guilty of high treason and piracy). fols. 138-9;-

(99) Pedigree of the Ap Rees family. fols. 140-1v;-

(100) MSS belonging to (Sir) Matthew Hale (afterwards Lord Chief Justice) of Alderly, Glos. fols. 142-3;-

(101) English antiquities, with wash drawings (cf. SAL/10/03, fol. 19). fol. 144r, v;-

(102) Account of a corpse of a murdered woman (Joan Norcoat, of Berkhampstead, Herts.) which bled for a month after burial. fol. 146;-

(103) Old printed books mentioned in the first edition of Foxe's Book of Martyrs (1563). fol. 147r, v;-

(104) Catalogue of books and trades regarding the City of London. fol. 148r, v;-

(105) Customs of London regarding the estates of freemen after decease. fol. 149r;-

(106) Original paintings of note. fol. 150r;-

(107) Notes on Huntingdonshire. fol. 151r, v;-

(108) 'Scotch Books'. List of books conc. Scotland. fols. 152-4v;-

(109) Proceedings in the trial of Henry, 2nd Baron Delamer, 13 Jan. 1685 (Lord Delamer was accused of complicity in the Monmouth Rebellion, but acquitted by the House of Lords, 14 Jan. 1685/6). fols. 155-7r;-

(110) Inscription on the monument of Richard Graves of Mickleton, Glos., made by 'J. W'. fol. 158r;-

(111) Note by Dr Michael Lort that he had given to Richard Gough the next 23 pages containing a transcript of the history of Tottenham High Cross by Lord Coleraine (Henry, 2nd Baron Coleraine (d. 1708), antiquary). The history was published in the Appendix to H. G. Oldfield, R. R. Dyson, The History and Antiquities.. of Tottenham High-Cross (1792); see also ibid., vi-vii. Dr Richard Rawlinson obtained the MS at the sale of the library of the 3rd Lord Coleraine (d. 1749) and communicated it via Joshua Blew, 20 March 1755 (Minute Book VII, p. 189). fol. 158v;-

(112) Notes and drafts for an essay on crimes and punishments. Tipped onto stubs left by the removal of the previous item. fols. 159-67v;-

(113) Miscellaneous notes on history, natural history, law, etc. fols. 168-90;-

(114) Case of Anthony, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, recommitted by the House of Lords to the Tower for contempt, June 1677. fols. 191-8v;-

(115) Proceedings in the trial of Edward, 6th Earl of Warwick and Holland, 28 March 1699 (Lord Warwick was acquitted of the murder of Richard Coote in a duel, but convicted of manslaughter). fols. 199-200.

Index, partly in Stukeley's hand, fols. 221-6.
Stukeley, William (1687-1765), Anglican clergyman, physician, antiquary and archaeologist
Previous reference number(s)