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Paper by Edward Rumsey, FSA, on Granada inscriptions

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Paper by Edward Rumsey, FSA, on Granada inscriptions
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Paper; ff. iii + 18.
Leather binding, red.
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A paper by Edward Rumsey, FSA, relating to engravings of inscriptions 'in an unknown character' which were purchased in Granada, Spain, by George Richards of Longbredy, Dorset, and presented by him to SA through Thomas Hollis, FSA (Minute Book XI, 9 Nov. 1769, p. 147; see also pp. 163-4).

Read to SA, 18 Jan. 1770 (covering letter, 11 Jan. 1770, fol. 1). The paper offers decipherments of some of the inscriptions and an index of the characters used. The inscriptions were subsequently found to be 16th-century forgeries (note by the Rev. William Norris, Sec. SA, fol. ii); see the letter of Nicolas Pagliarini, Lisbon, 17 July 1770, and an undated note in Spanish bound with the engravings (in SAL). See also Minute Book XII, 11 Apr. 1771, pp. 152-6.
Rumsey, Edward (fl 1770), antiquary
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