Home  / STONE (Kent): Church of St Mary the Virgin

Drawings STONE (Kent): Church of St Mary the Virgin

Object number



Fisher, Thomas - Artist

Production date

19th century






Height: 375mm
Width: 265mm


Inscription content

Stone Church, by Dartford in Kent.

Inscription content

Grave Stone in the Chancel.
Scale ½ an Inch to a Foot.

Scale, 6 Inches to a Foot.

Grave Stone in the Chancel.
Scale ½ an Inch to a Foot.

Scale, 6 Inches to a Foot.

2 Tiles in the pavement of the chancel
Scale, 6 Inches to a Foot.

Inscription content

Weaver's Funeral Monuments. Folio page 333.
Registrum Roffensis page 1052.
Custumale Roffense page 253.


Reference (free text)

'Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries', Antiquaries Journal 22 (1942): 242. Thomas Fisher is erroneously referred to as Thomas Foster in this reference.

Reference (free text)

Mill Stephenson, A List of Monumental Brasses in the British Isles (London: Headly Brothers, 1926), p. 261.

Reference (free text)

Ralph Griffin and Mill Stephenson, A List of Monumental Brasses Remaining in the County of Kent in 1922: With Notes of Some Lost Examples (London: Headley Brothers, 1923), p. 175.

Reference (free text)

John Weever, Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United Monarchie of Great Britaine [sic], Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent, with the Dissolved Monasteries therein Contained, Their Founders, and What Eminent Persons Have Been in the Same Interred (London: Thomas Harper, 1631), p. 333.

Reference (free text)

John Thorpe, Registrum Roffense: Or, a Collection of Antient [sic] Records, Charters, and Instruments of Divers Kinds, Necessary for Illustrating the Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities of the Diocese and Cathedral Church of Rochester (London, 1769), pp. 1053, 1054.

Reference (free text)

John Thorpe, Custumale Roffense: From the Original Manuscript in the Archives of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester (London: John Nichols, 1788), p. 253.