May, Thomas (d 1931), archaeologist and civil servant
- MAY/04/01/01 - List of sigillata potters
- MAY/04/01/02 - White wares
- MAY/04/01/03 - Pottery in British museums
- MAY/04/01/04 - Banassac potters
- MAY/04/01/05 - Photographs of excavations, and of pottery at Chelmsford Museum
- MAY/04/01/06 - Miscellaneous notes concerning Belgic pottery
- MAY/04/01/07 - Styles of early Gaulish potters at Montans, and New Forest imitations of sigillata
- MAY/04/01/08 - Prehistoric pottery from Britain and Europe
- MAY/04/01/09 - Stamped Marne ware
- MAY/04/01/10 - St Remy ware
- MAY/04/01/11 - Oil lamps
- MAY/04/01/12 - Lists
- MAY/04/01/13 - Pottery at Hamledon and Yewden
- MAY/04/01/14 - Miscellaneous pottery notes
- MAY/04/01/15 - Photographs of Roman pottery
- MAY/04/01/16 - Drawings of Roman pottery
- MAY/04/01/17 - Draft manuscript of "On the pottery from the waste heap of Roman potters kilns discovered at Sandford, near Littlemore, Oxon, in 1879"
- MAY/04/01/18 - Manuscript on pottery found in the Tullie House Museum, Carlisle