Material relating to excavations at Corfe Castle
Material relating to excavations at Corfe Castle
1 file
One folder labelled ‘Corfe Excavations 1950,51,52 - Pub. Med. Arch. IV 1960’ containing: (i) a booklet of a paper entitled ‘Excavations in the West Bailey at Corfe Castle’ reprinted from Medieval Archaeology Vo. IV, 1960; (ii) folded card with 3 black and white photographs of Eglise St Ouen, La Tour aux Clercs, Rouen (mounted) and 7 further photographs of Corfe Castle and St Etienne, Caen, enclosed; (iii) an envelope labelled ‘Corfe A1-A2’ containing 3 series of black and white photographs of Corfe Castle and its excavations , notably pits A1 and A2 (1949-1950), and 2 additional photographs, one of Corfe Castle and one of Bp Gundulf’s Tower, Malling Kent; (iv) one unlabelled envelope containing collections of photographs relating to Pits B1, C1, and D1 at Corfe Castle; (v) one envelope labelled ‘Corfe Misc. General’ containing miscellaneous photos of Corfe Castle and one of Appleby Castle; (vi) loose materials including: correspondence between G E Chambers and the Society of Antiquaries regarding a grant for proposed work at Corfe Castle; a hand drawn map of Corfe Castle cross referenced to ‘DB’ photographs; a rough MS Chronology of the Castle; a photograph of a plan of Corfe Castle; 27 a4 sheets of card mounting 103 photographs of Corfe Castle (DF, DH and DB series); Mounted aerial photograph of Corfe Castle from the SW; Mounted photograph of Corfe Castle from town.`
Chambers, G E (fl mid-20th century)