Unmounted letters, signatures, illustrative and printed material
Unmounted letters, signatures, illustrative and printed material
16th - 19th century
Six folders.
Unmounted letters, signatures, illustrative and printed material.
Clerke, Charles (1741-1779), Captain RN, Second in Command to Captain Cook
A detailed index to this collection exists on index cards in the Society of Antiquaries library.
- CEL/19/01 - 16th-18th century material
- CEL/19/02 - Late 18th-early 19th century material
- CEL/19/03 - 19th century material
- CEL/19/04 - Letters to the Vincent and Trevilian families
- CEL/19/05 - French, Italian and miscellaneous material
- CEL/19/06 - Printed material, engravings, reproductions, press-cuttings