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Collection of autograph and signed documents and letters, 1778-1798

Reference code
Collection of autograph and signed documents and letters, 1778-1798
Level of description
Extent and format
pp. 197
Half leather binding, green, with red lettering-pieces.
Scope and content

William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (als to Lady Hester Pitt), p. 1;

Richard Gemm, English physician (als to Selwyn, 1778), p. 5;

J. J. Rousseau and Voltaire (including engraved penwork portraits each with a Prière), pp. 6-9;

David Garrick (alls, one to Selwyn), p. 13;

William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester and friend of Pope (2 alls, 1773), p. 15;

Lady Diana Beauclerk (als to Selwyn and w/col by her) and Topham Beauclerk (als to Selwyn), pp. 24-5;

Thomas Townshend, brother-in-law of Selwyn (als and note, 1766, to Selwyn), p. 29;

Marie de Vichy Chamrond, Marquise du Deffand (d. 1780), correspondent of Voltaire, etc. (2 alls to Selwyn, and one in the hand of her valet, Wiart; see also CEL/18), p. 33;

Sir William Blackstone (als, 1778), p. 37;

Adm. Sir Philip Charles Durham (with a copy of Cowper's poem on the loss of the 'Royal George', 1782, and paper made from cable and a fragment of silk found in the wreck sixty years later), pp. 48-9;

Diderot (als), Samuel Johnson (als), p. 61;

Charles Wesley (als), p. 93;

Sir John Hawkins (als to Robert Fairfax), p. 105;

John Wesley (als, 1784, to his brother), p. 119;

Honoré Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau (als, 1788), p. 121;

Rev. Peter Whalley (als, 1779, to George Stevens with comments on Shakespeare), p. 125;

Sir Joshua Reynolds (als and note), p. 135;

documents of the Comité du Salut Public, with signatures including Robespierre, pp. 147, 149;

Horace Walpole (several alls and notes, and small pencil sketch of a house), p. 189;

Edmund Burke (als, 1776), p. 193.
Previous reference number(s)
Finding aids
A detailed index to this collection exists on index cards in the Society of Antiquaries library.