Dictionary of Arms and Armour: miscellaneous notes
Dictionary of Arms and Armour: miscellaneous notes
1 box, containing 3 folders
Folder with note in front: ‘End of Dictionary. Miscellaneous Notes only (by Beard) Section (4). Not Xeroxed. Requires sorting by someone. A.J.A. Sorted 24 July 1984. References that are ticked are already incorporated in Sections (1) (3) (5) (6); [X] useful reference for A&A. ARMS & ARMOUR.’
Folder containing Claude Blair’s notes for ‘Arms & Armour.’
Folder with material and notes apparently assembled by Christopher King.
Folder containing Claude Blair’s notes for ‘Arms & Armour.’
Folder with material and notes apparently assembled by Christopher King.
Beard, Charles Relly (1891-1958), historian of costume, arms and armour
Blair, Claude (1922-2010), museum curator, scholar and antiquary
King, Christopher (d 1995)
Blair, Claude (1922-2010), museum curator, scholar and antiquary
King, Christopher (d 1995)